About The Workshop
The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) will host the 8th Biennial International Workshop during October 25-27, 2012 at Mumbai, India. The Workshop is the eighth in the ongoing series of biennial meetings dedicated to advances, innovation and visions in energy and energy-related environmental and socio-economic issues. The series began in 1998 and the workshops were held at Porto Venere (Italy), Campinas (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Graz (Austria) and Barcelona (Spain). For links to the previous editions of workshop click here.
Theme of workshop:
The theme of the workshop is "Energy Security and Development-The Changing Global Context". Since the 1970s, energy security for any individual country has been narrowly defined as achieving a high level of self-sufficiency or reaching a stage of "energy independence". This approach today does not adequately take into account changes in the new security situation, mainly the increasing interdependence among all economies regardless of the political boundaries separating them. In other words, in the current global economy, individual responses to energy security will not work and consensus is needed for all players to take a collective stand. This event will gather leading scientific, political, and industry representatives from across the globe to showcase their work, forge partnerships and develop policies and strategies on energy security for global implementation.
Research & CEO conclave:
The Workshop will go beyond the simple exchange of ideas and information and is a step toward a globally integrated approach to energy security. Apart from research papers and poster presentations (Research Conclave), the Workshop will also have an Industry CEO Conclave. The Research conclave will provide a forum to share and showcase research, to network and to publish across boundaries of nations and disciplines. The 'CEO Conclave' will witness the coming together of industry captains, young entrepreneurs who establish technology units, and policy makers on a single platform. The discussion would throw light on the challenges ahead, uncover potential opportunities and discuss the means to achieve energy security.
Who should attend
- Academicians
- Research students
- CEOs and industry representatives
- Energy consultants
- Government advisers
- Entrepreneurs and technology innovators
- Heads of municipal corporations