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Revising the consumption basket by S. Chandrasekhar and Amitava Saha
Non-teaching staff ignored: NEP fails to recognise the essential role they play by Jai Mohan Pandit.
Access to clean cooking fuel and women outcomes
NO : WP-2024-017 AUTHOR : Bharti Nandwani and Manisha Jain TITLE : Access to clean cooking fuel and women outcomes ABSTRACT : This paper examines the impact of India’s Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), a clean cooking policy that offered free Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) connections to women from economically and socially disadvantaged households, on […]
Impact of Teacher Gender and Role Models on Student Outcomes in India
NO : WP-2024-016 AUTHOR : Eshita Goswami TITLE : Impact of Teacher Gender and Role Models on Student Outcomes in India ABSTRACT : This study estimates the impact of teacher gender and tests for role model effects on various student outcomes such as test scores, transferrable skills, attendance and attitudes. We perform the analysis for […]