URL :http://www.igidr.ac.in/CoRe/
Description :The Colloquium is being organized as part of the Institute’s overall mandate to foster excellence in research by stimulating interactions among young researchers across the country. CoRe aims to provide doctoral students of Economics, Energy & Environment, and Development Studies:
(i) a platform to present their on-going research and gain valuable feedback on their work,
(ii) an opportunity to meet doctoral students from other parts of the country,
(iii) a forum to discuss emerging issues that concern both theoretical and empirical researchers,
(iv) guidance on improving the chance of publication through interactions with senior researchers and journal editors, and
(v) suggestions for post Ph.D. career options.
For more information on IGIDR PHD. COLLOQUIUM please visit the above conference web page

URL :http://conference.iassi.org/
Description :
The 21st Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Social Science Institutions (IASSI) will be held during 13-15 June, 2022 at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, India. Dr. Kirit Parikh, the well-known economist and Chairman, IRADe and former Member, Planning Commission is the Conference President. Professor A. Ganesh Kumar, IGIDR and Dr. Jai Mohan Pandit, Registrar, IGIDR are the Organising Secretaries of the Conference.
For more information on Second Biennial Conference on Development please visit the above conference web page
Description :
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is a deemed to be university and an advanced research institute established and fully funded by the Reserve Bank of India for carrying out research on development issues from a multi-disciplinary point of view. The Summer School on Econometrics and Machine Learning is part of the FLAIR 4 Big Data initiative of IGIDR that seeks to Foster Learning, Analysis, Insights and Research on Big Data. The initiative is supported by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Objectives of Summer School 2022
The three objectives of the Summer School are:
- Develop deep understanding of Econometric models of prediction: OLS, Logit, Probit
- Hands-on application of all well-known Machine Learning Algorithms like Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machine, K Nearest Neighbour, Support Vector Machine etc. using real world data of Indian companies and understanding the implications of the different techniques.
- Practical exposure to Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing using real life problem sets.
The workshop will be conducted by IGIDR faculty and leading experts from the industry with knowledge in theory, empirics as well as experience in real world applications.