Vijay Laxmi Pandey
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Journal Publications
- “Zero tillage impacts in India’s rice-wheat systems: A review”, Soil & Tillage Research, vol.100, pp. 1-14, 2008. (with Erenstein, Olaf).
- “Factors affecting adoption of resource conservation technology: Case of zero tillage technology in rice wheat farming systems”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economic, vol. 62, No.1, Jan – Mar 2007. (with Vinod Mishra).
- “Factors share in gross farm income: an empirical investigation in Hazaribag district of Jharkhand State”, Agricultural Economics Research Review, vol. 16(1), pp. 44-49, 2003. (with B. K. Singh).
- “Household energy, women’s hardship and health impacts in rural Rajasthan, India: need for sustainable energy solutions”, Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 7 (1) pp 50 – 68, 2003. (with Jyoti Parikh, Shyam Karmakar and Pramod Dabrase).
- “Exposure from cooking with biofuels: pollution monitoring, and analysis from rural Tamil Nadu, India”, Energy, vol. 26, pp 949-962, 2001. (with Jyoti Parikh, Kalpana Balakrishana and Haimanti Biswas).
- “Biofuels, pollution and health linkages: A survey from rural Tamil Nadu”, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 35 (47) pp 4125-4137, 2000. (with Jyoti Parikh).
- “Indoor air pollution: a reflection of gender bias”, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 34 (9), pp. 539-544, 1999. (with Jyoti Parikh)
- “Rural urban disparities in Maharasthra”, , Serials Publications, New Delhi, India, 2009. (with S. Chandrasekhar).
Book Chapter
- "Assessing the impact of natural resource management research: The case of zero till technology in India”, In “International research on natural resource management: Advances in impact assessment” edited by H. Waibel and D. Zilberman, CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp 68- 90, 2007. (With O. Erenstein and R. K. Gupta).
- Determinants of adoption of virus management technology in papaya and lime cultivation. (with S. K. Sharma).
- Performance and competitiveness of India’s onion export.
- Process of Change in Indian Agriculture
- Feasibility of Conservation Agriculture in India
- “Assessing the impact of natural resource management research: The case of zero till technology in India”. Research Study Undertaken for CIMMYT, Mexico, 2004.
- “Rural-Urban Disparities in Maharashtra”, Research Study Undertaken for National Institute of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, 2005, (with S. Chandrasekhar).
- Sustaining development in Indian states – The role of land, and forests. Research Study Undertaken for UNDP, 2006, (with Amita Shah and Pushpum Kumar).
- Environmental impact of improved technologies: farm level survey and farmers’ perception on zero tillage, Research Study Undertaken for FAO, 2003.
- Economic analysis of rural pollution and health impacts in Northern India. Research Study Undertaken for World Bank Aided Project of Environmental Economics Research Committee, 2003. (with Prof. Jyoti Parikh)
- Available on request