P.G Babu
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P.G. Babu is a Professor at IGIDR, where he coordinates the Law and Economics Program, and has held Adam Smith Chair Guest Professorship in Philosophy and Economics at University of Bayreuth, Germany during summer semesters from 2008 to 2013. He acts as Mumbai coordinator for the Erasmus Mundus European Masters and Doctoral Programs in Law and Economics, of which IGIDR is a member. He is the Managing Editor of Journal of Quantitative Economics, Official Journal of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) published by Springer. He has held visiting positions at the Universities of Aix-Marseille, Bayreuth, Hamburg, IIM Ahmedabad, Madras School of Economics, Erasmus University at Rotterdam, Warsaw School of Economics and Yale. He has a citation from the Prime Minister of India for his research work on decision-making framework for climate change, as part of IPCC working group, which was recognized by a Nobel Memorial Prize, in 2007. The 23rd BSA and Dewang Mehta National Education Awards recognized his teaching through `Best Professor in Economics’ award in 2015. He is an alumnus of Indian Institute of Science (where he earned his Ph.D.) and Madurai Kamaraj University (where he earned his Masters in Mathematical Economics and Bachelors in Mathematics).
- 'Economic Analysis of Law in India: Theory and Applications', Edited by Babu, P.G., Eger, T., Raja, A., Schaefer, H.B., and Somashekhar, T., 2010, Oxford University Press.
- 'Suit and Settlement Bargaining under Asymmetric Information: The case of Bhopal Gas Victims', in Economic Analysis of Law in India: Theory and Applications, Babu P.G.,Eger, T., Raja, A., Schaefer, H.B., Somashekhar, T. (eds.), 2010, Oxford University Press.
- 'Clean Development Mechanism: Issues and Options', in India and Global Climate Change, 2003, Toman, M. et al. (eds.), Resources for the Future, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (coauthored with Kavi Kumar and BibhasSaha), published in India by Oxford University Press.
- 'Privatisation and Auctions', pp. 267-278 in Parikh, K. (ed.), 2000, India Development Report 1999-2000, Oxford University Press: New Delhi (coauthored with Nibedita Das).
- 'An overlapping generations model with an exhaustible resource and stock pollution', Ecological Economics, 1997, Vol.23 (1), pp. 35-43 (coauthored with Kavikumar and Satyanarayana Murthy).
- 'Climate change, North-South cooperation and collective decision making Post-Rio', Journal of International Development, 1997, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 403-413 (coauthored with J. Parikh and Kavikumar).
- 'Efficient Emission Reduction through Joint Implementation', Environment and Development Economics, 1996, Vol.1 (4), pp. 445-464, journal published by the Cambridge University Press in collaboration with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (coauthored with BibhasSaha).
- 'Decision Making Framework for Addressing Climate Change', pp. 53-77, Chapter 2 in Bruce, J.P., Lee, H., and Haites, E.F. (eds.), 1996, Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change, Contribution of Working group III to the second assessment report of the IPCC, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (Contributor to this chapter whose lead authors are Arrow, K.J., Parikh, J., and Pillet, G.).
- 'Buyer's Bid Bargaining with Incomplete Information as a Stochastic Game Model', pp. 287-302 in B.Duttaet.al. (eds), 1992, Game theory and Economic applications, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
- Social Norms, Institutional Structures and Development Policy, Proceeding/Project Report No. 4 (coauthored with AjitMishra).
- Contingent Valuation of Borivli National Park, Bombay, Project report (coauthored with T.R. Muraleedharan et al.).
- Project on Land Consolidation: Instructions manual, Questionnaire and Coding Scheme, Proceeding/Project Reports No.20 (coauthored with S. Geetha and S. Mahendra Dev).
- 'Bayesian Learning and Asymptotical Equilibria in Stochastic Dynamical Games' (coauthored with Vivek S. Borkar), IGIDR DP 110.
- 'Common Perception', IGIDR DP 123.
- “Clean Development Mechanism and Sustainable Development” (co-authored with J.Parikh), Theme paper for the workshop on CDM, Conference of Parties-8, New Delhi, 2002.
- “General Equilibrium Theory”, work in progress for publication in Tracts and Research in Mathematics (TRIM) Series of National Board for Higher Mathematics, India to be published by Hindustan Book Agency (distributed in U.S. by the American Mathematical Association); passed the first round refereeing.
- “Lecture notes on Mathematics for Economic Theory”, Draft version - develops mathematics explicitly as a language for economics and differs in its focus considerably from the many existing textbooks of this genre in establishing links between various parts of exposited mathematics.
- European Union funded International “Erasmus Mundus Masters Program.in Law and Economics (EMLE)” from 2010 as a third term Institute partner along with Universities of Aix-en-Provence, Bologna, Ghent, Haifa, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Vienna, and Warsaw.
- European Union funded International “Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Program.in Law and Economics (EDLE)” as associate partner from 2010 along with Universities of Bologna, Hamburg, and Rotterdam.
- Asia Link Program on “Human Resource Development in Law and Economics in India and Europe”, funded by the European Union and coordinated by University of Hamburg Institute of Law and Economics, which was a collaborative venture between IGIDR, Universities of Ghent, Hamburg, Hyderabad and National Law School Bangalore, 2005-2008.
- IGIDR-University of Hamburg collaborative program on “Law and Economics”, 2001 onwards.
- UNDP project on 'Capacity building for introduction of Environmental economics into Decision Making for Sustainable Development', 1995-2000.
- IGIDR-Economic Growth Center of Yale-SOW, Free University of Amsterdam joint research work on “land consolidation”. The research team included T.N. Srinivasan, Kirit Parikh, and MichielKeyzer, 1995-1998.
- Contributor to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) document: writing team 2 on 'Environmental Decision Making under Uncertainty' whose lead authors are K.J.Arrow, J.Parikh and G.Pillet, 1994-95.
- Conference Board of Canada funded research project under the Canada-India Applied Economic and Business Policy Linkage program entitled 'Carbon Dioxide and economic initiatives for reduction: Application to India and Canada'.
- IGIDR: Microeconomic Theory 1 (Consumer Theory part), Microeconomic Theory 2 (General Equilibrium and Uncertainty), Market Design, Auctions and Options (joint course with TIFR’sSandeepJuneja), Games and Information: Contract Theory, Games and Information: Noncooperative Game Theory, Mathematics/Optimization Theory, Environment, Topics in Economic Theory (learning and bounded rationality models).
- Bayreuth: Decision Theory, Development, Economics of Natural Resources, Economics of Climate Change, Incentives, Political Economy.
- Hamburg: Regulation.
- Erasmus University Rotterdam (RILE): Microeconomics.
- IIM Ahmedabad: Game Theory and Applications.
- Madras School of Economics: Games and Information, Industrial Economics.
- Indian Institute of Science: Game Theory (with V. Borkar and D. Ghosh).
- Ph.D. Theses: Nibedita Das, Santanu Gupta, Subarna Roy, PoonamMehra, Vikas Kumar.
- M.Phil. Theses: Soma Dey, ParthasarathiChatterji, GaneshAnipindi, SuhasSaha, SubhraBaranSaha, SourabhBikas Paul, SindhuEaswaraMenon, PallaviBaral, AkrurBarua, AmlenduDubey, PayelChowdhury, TanmoyNeogy.
- Masters and Bachelors Theses: PallaviBaral, Anne Winkel.
Visiting Positions And Academic Honors
- Adam Smith Chair Guest Professor in Philosophy and Economics, University of Bayreuth, Germany, Summer semesters 2008, 2009, 2010.
- Visiting Professor, Erasmus University at Rotterdam, Netherlands, October 2009.
- Visiting Professor, Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany, Winter semesters 2007, 2009.
- Visiting Professor, Madras School of Economics, Chennai (2006 to 2008, spring semesters).
- Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Dec 2006 to Feb 2007.
- Visiting Fellow, Department of Economics, Yale University, 1997.
- Citation by Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, in recognition of contribution to the work of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is the joint winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007, dated November 26, 2007.
- Invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm to present the paper entitled “Efficient Emission Reduction through Joint Implementation” which was selected for the “Environment and Development Economics” Journal Inauguration, 1996.
- Available on request