G. Mythili
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Ph.D. in Econometrics, Department of Econometrics, University of Madras. Major areas of research are Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics and CGE models. Awarded Ford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship for the year 1990-91 for pursuing a study at UC Berkeley Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, USA and Visiting Fellowship in Environmental Economics by SANDEE ( South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics) for the year 2002 to visit PG Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Have been associated with many research projects funded by national and international agencies including Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India on ‘Farm Management cost and production’; WRI, Washington on ‘Environmental Implications of Energy Use’; ACIAR Australia on ‘Agricultural Growth through globalization of Indian Agriculture’; Economic Research Service, US Department of Agriculture on ‘Supply Response of Indian Farmers’; ZEF, University of Bonn on ‘Drivers of Land Degradation’; European Commission on ‘Trade, Agricultural Policies and Structural Changes in India’s Agri-food System using GAMS’; and Bill Melinda Gates Foundation on ‘Agriculture-Nutrition Disconnect Pathways- Analysis using GAMS’ . Was a Member of Research Committee and Course curriculum Committee of World Bank/ MOEF Capacity Building in Environmental Economics.
- Does Acreage Response underestimate Farm Supply Response: An Evidence from Indian Agriculture, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2010.
- Topics in Applied Economics: Tools, Issues and Institutions (ed. with R. Hema), Academic Foundation , 2005.
- Accelerating Growth through Globalisation of Indian Agriculture ( ed. with K.P.Kalirajan,U. Sankar), Macmillan India Ltd. 2001.
- Uncertainty and Farm Production Decision (with U.Sankar ) Himalaya Publishers, 1991.
- Farm Management Report on Increasing Groundnut Production (with U.Sankar ) Consolidated Report, 1981-84, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of India, 1987.
Papers in Journals, Proceedings and Book Chapters
- Applied Economics, In Haddad, B. & Solomon, B.D. Dictionary of Ecological Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2023
- Has structural Transformation of Indian Economy benefitted Nutritional Status of poor households?: A Computable General Equilibrium Framework; https://editorialexpress.com/cgi-bin/conference/download.cgi?db_name=ECOMOD2018&paper_id=208" Proceedings of ECOMOD 2018, Venice, Italy.
- Consumption and Nutritional Implications of Alternative Growth Scenario, Chapter 5, India Development Report, (ed) S. Mahendra Dev, Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Economics of Land Degradation in India (co-author) Chapter 15 in Nkonya, E, Mirzabaev A and von Braun J (Eds) Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement- A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development, Springer, 2017.
- India: Economic Growth and Income distribution in Rural and Urban Areas, Chapter 6 and Employment Guarantee Program and Income distribution, Chapter 9 in Brouwer , Floor and P.K. Joshi (eds) International Trade and Food Security: The Future of Indian Agriculture, CABI International, 2016.
- Structural Transformation , Trade Policies and Income Distributional Impacts: A CGE Model of India, Millenial Asia : An International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol 6, No 2, October 2015.
- Examining Environmental Kuznets Curve for River Effluents in India ( co author) Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol 13, issue 3,2011, Springer.
- Willingness to pay for Water Quality Improvement: A Study of Powai Lake in India , ( co author) Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution- Vol 8, No.1, Jan 2011, IOS Press, Netherlands.
- Valuation of Urban Environmental Amenities: A Case Study , (co author) International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Vol (19), No.F10, pp 20-31, Fall 2010, CESER publication
- An Analysis of Community Dependence and Forest Management, (co author) International Journal of Ecology and Development, Vol 13, No S09, 2009.
- Supply Response for Major Crops in the Pre and Post Reform Periods: A Dynamic Panel data Approach, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Vol 5, No.1, Jan 2007.
- Community Dependence on Protected Forest Areas: A Study on Valuation of Non Wood Forest Products in a Region of India (co author), Sri Lankan journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 5, No.1, 2003
- The Challenges of Globalisation for Indian Agriculture, in Essays in Development Issues (ed) Nimal Sandaratne and H.M. Gunatilake , Sri Lankan Agricultural Economics Association, 2002.
- Technical Efficiency of Rice Growers in Tamilnadu; A Study based on Panel Data’ (co author), Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 55, No. 1, Jan-March 2000, pp15-25.
- Environmental Problems in India’s Energy Sector and Policies for Corrective Action (co author), in Public Finance Restructuring for Sustainable Development in Emerging Market Economies (ed). Bradley, T. , World Resource Institute, Washington, 1998
- Economic Instruments for Environmental Sustainability: The Energy Sector, Chapter 1 (co author), National Institute of Public Finance and Policy and Madras School of Economics, 1998.
- Price Reforms in the Electricity Sector (co author) in Energy and Sustainable Growth: Is Sustainable Growth Possible , Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of International Association for Energy Economics, Vol II , 1997.
- Land Allocation under Uncertainty: An Econometric Analysis' Indian Economic Review, Vol.XXVII, No.1, 1992.
- A Theoretical Exposition of Consumer's Response to Alternative Food Policies , Working Paper No.615, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1991
- Millets promotion to address Climate Change challenges in India, Nutrition -NDVI link using Spatial Data, Main Drivers of Land Degradation in Agriculture and Economic Costs of Land Degradation
- Millets promotion to address Climate Change challenges in India, Nutrition -NDVI link using Spatial Data, Main Drivers of Land Degradation in Agriculture and Economic Costs of Land Degradation
- IGIDR: Mathematical Economics, Environmental Policy, CGE Modeling with GAMS.
- Madras School of Economics: Resource and Environmental Economics, Mathematical Economics, Statistics, Econometrics, Micro Economics.