Conversation On Research: IGIDR PhD. COLLOQUIUM
Call for Applications
The CoRe programme has been postponed for now. A new date for the CoRe programme will be announced in due course
The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), invites applications from PhD. scholars for participating in its fourth Conversations on Research (CoRe): IGIDR PhD. Colloquium. This is an unprecedented year full of different challenges. However, IGIDR will continue striving towards excellence. We hope you join us with equal enthusiasm. The Colloquium is being organized as part of the Institute’s overall mandate to foster excellence in research by stimulating interactions among young researchers across the country.
CoRe aims to provide doctoral students of Economics, Energy & Environment, and Development Studies:
- a platform to present their on-going research and gain valuable feedback on their work
- an opportunity to meet doctoral students from other parts of the country
- a forum to discuss emerging issues that concern both theoretical and empirical researchers
- guidance on improving the chance of publication through interactions with senior researchers and journal editors
- suggestions for post PhD. career options
a) Full Paper Sessions: A total of 16 PhD. scholars who are in the advanced stage of their doctoral work will be invited to present a paper from their thesis. This will be followed by a discussion led by the chair/discussant. Two slots are earmarked for candidates who made poster presentations in CoRe 2018 & CoRe 2019 subject to their meeting acceptable quality standards.
b) Poster Presentation Sessions: A total of 16 PhD. scholars who are in the initial stages of their PhD. will be invited to present an overview of their thesis in poster presentations. The three top posters will be awarded prizes which include a CoRe citation and book awards.
c) Panel discussions: Panel Discussions will be held every evening involving faculty members, journal editors and other resource persons from IGIDR and other academic institutions
All PhD. Scholars registered with an academic institution are eligible to apply.
Application Procedure
Applicants need to register on the IGIDR website
They have to upload
(1) latest CV and
(2) a completed paper to be considered for the Full Paper Sessions,
(1) latest CV and
(2) an overview of the thesis to be considered for Poster Sessions.
Selected candidates may be required to send a scanned copy of their bona-fide certificate.
- The last date for receiving applications is October 15, 2020.
- Selected candidates will be informed by October 31, 2020.
Instructions to fill up application form
Please read the instructions carefully before you start applying.
- You need to keep logged in into your gmail account in order to apply.
- Please fill the application carefully as only one application per person could be received.
- Please make sure you have the
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Full Paper if participating in Full Paper Presentation.
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Thesis Overview if participating in Poster Presentation preferably in pdf format before you start the application.
- Also note that you are requested to start application in New Incognito Window /Private browsing if you face difficulty while uploading documents.
- Maximum file size for documents to be uploaded is limited to 10MB, please upload documents within that file-size range.
- In case of technical problems please write to
- Please note that last date of receiving application is October 15, 2020.