Public private partnership in airport terminals: Model concession agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10198 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Airports-India
Public private partnership in state ports: Model concession agreement .
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10199 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Ports-India
Public private partnership in annuity projects: Model concession agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commisiion, 2014
(S10200 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Public private partnership in exploration and mining of coal : Model concession agreement.
New Delhi , Planning Commission, 2014
(S10201 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Mines and mining-India; Coal-India
Public private partnership in port terminals: Model concession agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10202 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Ports-India
Public private partnership in Brownfield airport: Model concession agreement
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10203 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Airports-India
Public private partnership in Rajya Adarsh Vidyalayas: Model concession agreement.
New Dehi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10204 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Rajya Adarsh Vidyalaya
Public private partnership in storage of foodgrains: Model concession agreement
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10205 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Food supply-India
Public private partnership in procurement-cum-maintenance of locomotives: Model concession agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10206 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Locomotives-India
Public private partnership request for proposals: Model RFP document.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10207 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Selection of financial consultant and transaction adviser: Model request for proposals.
New Delhi , Planning Commission, 2014
(S10208 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Public private partnership in transmission systems: Model transmission agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10218 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Electric lines-India
Public private partnership in coal mining : Model concession agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10214 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Mines and mining-India; Coal-India
Public private partnership in Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalayas: Model concession agreement.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10217 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Rashtriya Adarsh Vidyalaya
Public private partnership request for qualification: Model RFQ document.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10211 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Selection of legal adviser: Model request for proposals.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10209 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Selection of technical consultant: Model request for proposal.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10210 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Procurement of power for medium term model agreement
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10212 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Supply of power for short term model agreement
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10219 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Electricity-India
Guidelines for public private partnership: Compendium.
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10213 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India
Public private partnership in generation of electricity: Model power purchase agreement (DBFOT).
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10216 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Electricity-India
Public private partnership in generation of electricity: Model power supply agreement (DBFOO).
New Delhi, Planning Commission, 2014
(S10215 380.0954/PC )
Keywords : Commerce; Public-private sector cooperation-India; Electricity-India
Abebe, Ngiste et al
Bidding for development: How the olympic bid process can accelerate transportation development.
New York, Springer-Verlag, 2014
(41511 380/ABE )
Keywords : Commerce; Transportation-Planning; City planning; Olympic host city selection
Dyke, Paul A. Van
Merchants of Canton and Macao: Politics and strategies in eighteenth-century Chinese trade.
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Uni Pr, 2011
(41457 382.095126/DYK )
Keywords : Commerce; Merchants-China-Guangzhou-History-18th century; Merchants-China-Macau-History-18th century; Guangzhou (China)-Commerce-History-18th century
Karakitsos, Elias
Maritime economics: A Macroeconomic approach.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
(41466 387.544/KAR )
Keywords : Commerce; Shipping-Economic aspects; Merchant marine; Macroeconomics
Eagle, Nathan
Reality mining: Using big data to engineer a better world.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
(41448 006.31/EAG )
Keywords : Computers, programming languages and allied aspects; Data mining; Big data; Computer networks-Social aspects; Information science-Social aspects; Information science-Statistical methods
Rokach, Lior
Data mining with decision trees: Theory and applications.
Singapore, World Scientific, 2015
(41489 006.31/ROK )
Keywords : Computers, programming languages and allied aspects; Data mining; Decision trees; Machine learning; Decision support systems
Agung, I Gusti Ngurah
Panel data analysis using EViews.
Chichester, John Wiley, 2014
(41486 330.015195/AGU )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Statistics; EViews (Computer file); Panel analysis
Bergin, James
Mathematics for economists with applications.
London, Routledge, 2015
(41482 330.0151/BER )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics, Mathematical
Davis, Ann E
The Evolution of the property relation: Understanding paradigms, debates and prospects.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2015
(41465 330.17/DAV )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Property
Gearey, Adam
Justice as welfare: Equity and solidarity.
London , Continuum, 2012
(41480 330.126/GEA )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Social justice; Welfare economics
Kocenda, Evzen
Elements of time series econometrics: An Applied approach.
Prague, Karolinum Pr, 2014
(41506 330.015195/KOC )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Econometrics
Lee, Cheng-Few [ed]
Handbook of financial econometrics and statistics.
New York, Springer-Verlag, 2015
(41518 41519 41520 41521 R330.015195/HFE )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Econometrics-Handbooks, manuals etc; Finance-Statistical methods-Handbooks, manuals etc
Myrdal, Gunnar
The Essential Gunnar Myrdal.
New York, The New Pr , 2005
(41507 330.1/MYR )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics; Social sciences
Popov, Vladimir
Mixed fortunes: An Economic history of China, Russia, and the West.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr,
(41439 330.904/POP )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Western countries-Economic conditions; Civilization, Western; China-Economic policy
Skidelsky, Edward [ed]
Are markets moral?
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
( 41474 330.122/SKI )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Capitalism
Skorepa, Michal
Decision-making: A Behavioral economic approach.
Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2011
(41462 330.01/SKO )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics-Psychological aspects; Decision making
Stiftung, Bertelsmann [ed]
Change ahead? Sustainable governance in the BRICS.
Berlin, Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2013
( 41512 338.9/STI )
Keywords : Economics; Economic development and policy; BRIC countries-Economic policy; Sustainable development-BRIC countries; Strategic planning-BRIC countries
Tsujita, Yuko
Inclusive growth and development in India: Challenges for underdeveloped regions and the underclass.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
(41435 338.954/TSU )
Keywords : Economics; Economic development and policy; Economic development-India; India-Social conditions; India-Economic conditions-Regional disparities
Agarwal, Megha
Developments in mean-variance efficient portfolio selection.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
(41463 332.632042/AGA )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Portfolio management-Mathematical models; Finance-Mathematical models
Kallianiotis, John N
Exchange rates and international financial economics: History, theories and practices.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2013
(41495 332.45/KAL )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Foreign exchange rates; International finance
Mersland, Roy [ed]
Microfinance institutions: Financial and social performance.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
Palgrave studies in impact finance.
(41483 332/MER )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Microfinance; Microfinance-Developing countries; Banks and banking
Naismith, Rory [ed]
Early medieval monetary history: Studies in memory of Mark Blackburn.
Farnham, Ashgate, 2014
Studies in early medieval Britain and Ireland.
(41464 332.494/NAI )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Money-Europe-History-To 1500; Economic history-Medieval, 500-1500; Commerce-History-Medieval, 500-1500
Satya Sekhar, G.V
The Indian mutual fund industry: A Comparative analysis of public vs private sector performance.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
(41436 332.63270954/SAT )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Mutual funds-India; Financial services industry-India
Zhang, Ying
Stock message boards: A Quantitative approach to measuring investor sentiment.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
(41470 332.60285/ZHA )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Stocks-Computer network resources; Investments-Computer network resources; Internet
Garibaldi, Pietro [ed] et al
Ageing, health and productivity: The Economics of increased life expectancy.
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2010
Reports for the Fondazione Rodolfo DeBenedetti.
(41459 331.118/GAR )
Keywords : Economics; Labor economics; Longevity; Aging
Lazear, Edward P
Inside the firm: Contributions to personnel economics.
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2011
(41460 331/LAZ )
Keywords : Economics; Labor economics; Personnel management
Smith, James P [ed]
Female labor supply: Theory and estimation.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1980
Princeton legacy library.
( 41509 331.412/SMI )
Keywords : Economics; Labor economics; Women-Employment; Women-Employment-Mathematical models
Uchikawa, Shuji [ed]
Industrial clusters: Industrial clusters, migrant workers and labour markets in india.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
( 41481 331.120954/UCH )
Keywords : Economics; Labor economics; Industrial clusters-India; Labor market-India; Migrant labor-India
Hallwood, Paul
Economics of the oceans: Rights, rents and resources.
London, Routledge, 2014
(41477 333.9164/HAL )
Keywords : Economics; Land economics [includes energy and environment]; Marine resources; Marine resource development-Law and legislation; Marine resource development-Conservation-Law and legislation
Kant, Shashi [ed]
Handbook of forest resource economics.
London, Routledge, 2014
(41434 333.75/KAN )
Keywords : Economics; Land economics [includes energy and environment]; Forests and forestry-Economic aspects; Forest ecology-Economic aspects
Diamond, John W [ed]
Pathways to fiscal reform in the United States.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
(41487 339.520973/DIA )
Keywords : Economics; Macroeconomics; Fiscal policy-United States; Taxation-United States; Debts, Public-United States; United States-Economic policy-2009
World Bank, Washington
Purchasing power parties and the real size of world economics: A Comprehensive report of the 2011 international comparison program.
Washington DC, World Bank, 2015
(41485 339.31/WB )
Keywords : Economics; Macroeconomics; Gross Domestic Product-Statistics; Purchasing power-Statistics; National income-Accounting-Statistics
Beltrame, Federico et al
Estimating SMEs cost of equity using a value at risk approach: The Capital at risk model.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
(41494 338.642/BEL )
Keywords : Economics; Production economics; Small business-Valuation; Small business-Finance
Kwoka, John
Mergers, merger control and remedies: A Retrospective analysis of U.S. policy.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2015
(41458 338.830973/KWO )
Keywords : Economics; Production economics; Consolidation and merger of corporations-United States; Consolidation and merger of corporations-Government policy-United States; Antitrust law-United States
Razin, Assaf
Understanding global crises: An Emerging paradigm.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
(41451 338.542/RAZ )
Keywords : Economics; Production economics; Financial crises; Investments, Foreign
Samuels, Barbara C
Managing risk in developing countries: National demands and multinational response.
Princeton , Princeton Uni Pr, 1990
(41501 338.881/SAM )
Keywords : Economics; Production economics; Automobile industry and trade-Brazil; Automobile industry and trade-Government policy-Brazil; Automobile industry and trade-Mexico; Automobile industry and trade-Government policy-Mexico; International business enterprises-Mexico; International business enterprises-Brazil
Brown, Jeffrey R [ed]
Tax policy and the economy.
Chicago, Uni of Chicago Pr, 2014
(41504 336.2/NBER )
Keywords : Economics; Public finance; Finance, Public; Taxation
Mooij, Ruud de [ed]
Taxation and regulation of the financial sector.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
CESifo seminar series.
(41505 336.2783321/MOO )
Keywords : Economics; Public finance; Banks and banking-Taxation; Financial services industry-Taxation; Financial institutions-Government policy
Cohen, Marshall [ed]
Marx, justice and history: A Philosophy and public affairs reader.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1979
Princeton legacy library.
(41484 335.401/COH )
Keywords : Economics; Socialism and related systems; Marx, Karl, -1818-1883; Social justice
Howard, Michael Charles
A History of Marxian economics.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1992
(41498 335.4/HOW )
Keywords : Economics; Socialism and related systems; Marxian economics-History
Polak, Michal
Class, surplus and the division of labour: A Post-Marxian exploration.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2013
(41461 335.412/POL )
Keywords : Economics; Socialism and related systems; Marxian economics; Surplus value; Social classes; Division of labour
Shenk, Timothy
Maurice Dobb: Political economist.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2013
(41438 335.4092/SHE )
Keywords : Economics; Socialism and related systems; Economists-Great Britain-Biography; Dobb, Maurice, 1900-1976
Briant, Pierre
Alexander the great and his empire: A Short introduction.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2012
(41488 938.07092/BRI )
Keywords : History and geography; Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C.; Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C.-Travel-Turkey; Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C.-Military leadership
Kahler, Miles
Decolonization in Britain and France: The Domestic consequences of international relations.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1984
(41490 941.085/KAH )
Keywords : History and geography; Great Britain-Politics and government-1945-; France-Politics and government-1945-; Decolonization-History
Mohan, Rohini
The Seasons of trouble: Life amid the ruins of Sri Lanka’s civil war.
London, Verso, 2014
(41469 954.9303/MOH )
Keywords : History and geography; Sri Lanka-History-Civil war-1983-2009-Influence
Boubaker, Sabri [ed]
Corporate governance in emerging markets: Theories, practices and cases.
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2014
CSR, Sustainability, ethics and governance.
(41517 658.4/BOU )
Keywords : Management; Executive management; Corporate governance; Economic development
Nuryanah, Siti
Corporate governance and financial management: Computational optimisation modelling and accounting perspectives.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2015
(41475 658.4/NUR )
Keywords : Management; Executive management; Corporate governance; Corporations-Finance
Ansari, Q. H
Generalized convexity, nonsmooth variational inequalities and nonsmooth optimization.
Boca Raton, CRC Pr, 2014
(41496 519.3/ANS )
Keywords : Mathematics; Nonsmooth optimization; Inequalities (Mathematics)
Benjamin, Arthur
The Fascinating world of graph theory.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2015
(41508 511.5/BEN )
Keywords : Mathematics; Graph theory
Benthem, Johan van
Logic in games.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
(41500 519.3/BEN )
Keywords : Mathematics; Game theory; Logic
Bonifant, Araceli [ed]
Frontiers in complex dynamics: In celebration of John Milnor’s 80th birthday.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2014
Princeton mathematical series; 51.
(41492 515.352/BON )
Keywords : Mathematics; Differential dynamical systems; Functions of complex variables
Chaudhuri, Arijit
Modern survey sampling.
Boca Raton, CRC Pr, 2014
(41440 519.52/CHA )
Keywords : Mathematics; Sampling (Statistics)
Das, Abhijit
Computational number theory.
Boca Raton, CRC pr, 2013
(41493 512.70285/DAS )
Keywords : Mathematics; Data encryption (Computer science); Number theory-Data processing
Davison, A.C [ed]
Celebrating statistics: Papers in honour of Sir David Cox on his 80th birthday.
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2005
Oxford statistical science; 33.
(41442 519.5/DAV )
Keywords : Mathematics; Mathematical statistics
Devlin, Keith
The Man of numbers: Fibonacci’s arithmetic revolution.
London, Bloomsbury, 2011
(41441 512.72092/DEV )
Keywords : Mathematics; Fibonacci, Leonarda, 1170-1240; Mathematicians-Italy-Biography; Fibonacci numbers
Formaggia, Luca
Solving numerical PDEs: Problems, applications, exercises
Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2012
(41522 511.42/FOR )
Keywords : Mathematics; Differential equations, Partial; Numerical solutions-Problems, exercises, etc
Gamiz, M. Luz et al
Applied nonparametric statistics in reliability.
London, Springer-Verlag, 2011
(41525 519.5/GAM )
Keywords : Mathematics; Non parametric statistics
Higham, Nicholas J
Functions of matrices: Theory and computation.
Philadelphia, Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics, 2008
( 41471 512.9434/HIG )
Keywords : Mathematics; Matrices; Functions; Factorization (Mathematics)
Joyner, David
Introduction to differential equations using Sage.
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Uni Pr, 2012
(41499 515.35/JOY )
Keywords : Mathematics; Differential equations; Sage (Computer program)
Kisielewicz, Michał
Stochastic differential inclusions and applications.
New York, Springer-Verlag, 2013
(41523 519.23/KIS )
Keywords : Mathematics; Stochastic partial differential equations; Stochastic processes
Krivan, Vlastimil [ed]
Advances in dynamic games: Theory, applications and numerical methods.
Cham, Birkhauser, 2013
Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games; 13.
(41510 519.3/KRI )
Keywords : Mathematics; Game theory
Madsen, Henrik
Introduction to general and generalized linear models.
Boca Raton, CRC Pr, 2011
(41437 519.535/MAD )
Keywords : Mathematics; Linear models (Statistics); Generalized estimating equations
Okabe, Atsuyuki
Spatial analysis along networks: Statistical and computational methods.
Chichester, John Wiley, 2012
(41503 519.536/OKA )
Keywords : Mathematics; Spatial analysis (Statistics); Spatial analysis (Statistics)-Data processing; Geography-Network analysis
Prakash, Arun J
Financial, commercial and mortgage mathematics and their applications.
Santa Barbara, Praeger, 2014
( 41478 510.2465/PRA )
Keywords : Mathematics; Business mathematics; Real estate business-Mathematics
Roman, Steven
Lattices and ordered sets.
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2008
(41514 511.32/ROM )
Keywords : Mathematics; Ordered sets; Lattice theory
Simon, Marvin K
Probability distributions involving Ggaussian random variables: A Handbook for engineers and scientists and mathematicians.
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2006
(41526 519.24/SIM )
Keywords : Mathematics; Gaussian distribution ; Random variables
Takemura, Kazuhisa
Behavioral decision theory: Psychological and mathematical descriptions of human choice behavior.
Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, 2014
(41516 511.42/TAK )
Keywords : Mathematics; Choice (Psychology)-Mathematical models; Decision making-Mathematical models
Wagstaff, Samuel S
The Joy of factoring.
Providence, American Mathematical Society, 2013
(41454 512.72/WAG )
Keywords : Mathematics; Factorization (Mathematics); Number theory
Feenberg, Andrew
The Philosophy of praxis: Marx, Lukacs and the Frankfurt school.
London , Verso , 2014
(41467 190/FEE )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Lukacs, Gyorgy, 1885-1971; Marx, Karl, 1818-1883; Frankfurt school of sociology-History; Dialectical materialism-History; Critical theory-History
Gillett, Grant
The Mind and its discontents.
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2009
(41443 128.2/GIL )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Psychiatry-Philosophy; Mental illness; Philosophy of mind
King, Jeffrey C
The Nature and structure of content.
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2009
(41444 160/KIN )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Proposition (Logic)
Latour, Bruno
An Inquiry into modes of existence: An Anthropology of the moderns.
Cambridge, Harvard Uni Pr, 2013
(41452 128/LAT )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Civilization, Modern-Philosophy; Philosophical anthropology
Olkowski, Dorothea E
Postmodern philosophy and the scientific turn.
Bloomington, Indiana Uni Pr, 2012
(41468 190.904/OLK )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Philosophy and science; Postmodernism; Phenomenology; Science-Philosophy
Coleman, Stephen
How voters feel.
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
(41479 324.9/COL )
Keywords : Political science; Political participation; Democracy
Richter, Melvin [ed]; Conference for the study of political thought
Political theory and political education.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1980
(41446 320/RIC )
Keywords : Political science; Political science-Congresses; Political science-Study and teaching-Congresses
Smith, Bruce James
Politics and remembrance: Republican themes in Machiavelli, Burke and Tocqueville.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1985
(41447 323.042/SMI )
Keywords : Political science; Political participation
Whiteside, Kerry H
Merleau-Ponty and the foundation of existential politics.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1988
(41445 320.01/WHI )
Keywords : Political science; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1908-1961-Views on political science
Dworkin, Ronald
Religion without god.
Cambridge, Harvard Uni Pr, 2013
(41502 200/DWO )
Keywords : Religion; Religion-Philosophy; Atheism; Freedom of religion
Fredriksen, Paula
Sin: The Early history of an idea.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2012
(41450 241.3/FRE )
Keywords : Religion; Sin-Christianity-History of doctrines-Early church, ca. 30-600
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Malinowski and the work of myth: Selected and introduced by Ivan Strenski.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1992
( 41456 291.13/MAL )
Keywords : Religion; Ethnology; Myth; Ethnopsychology
Fleck, Ludwik
Genesis and development of a scientific fact.
Chicago, Uni of Chicago Pr, 1981
(41472 507.2/FLE )
Keywords : Science; General science; Science-Social aspects; Science-Philosophy; Syphilis-Diagnosis-Wassermann reaction; Knowledge, Sociology of
Kadvany, John
Imre Lakatos and the guises of reason.
Durham, Duke Uni Pr, 2001
(41473 501/KAD )
Keywords : Science; General science; Science-Philosophy; Lakatos, Imre
Brent, Robert J
Cost-benefit analysis and health care evaluations.
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2014
(41476 362.10685/BRE )
Keywords : Social problems, welfare and services; Medical care-Cost effectiveness-Research-Methodology; Cost effectiveness; Cost-benefit analysis-Methods
Kriele, Marcus
Value-oriented risk management of insurance companies.
London, Springer-Verlag, 2014
(41524 368.0065/KRI )
Keywords : Social problems, welfare and services; Insurance companies-Management; Insurance companies-Risk management
Barnes, Barry
The Elements of social theory.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 1995
(41491 300.1/BAR )
Keywords : Social sciences; Social sciences-Philosophy
Calhoun, Craig [ed]
Robert K. Merton: Sociology of science and sociology as science.
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2010
(41449 301.092/CAL )
Keywords : Sociology; Merton, Robert King, 1910-2003; Sociologists-United States; Sociology-United States; Science-Social aspects; Science-Philosophy
Das, Veena [ed] et al
The Ground between: Anthropologists engage philosophy.
Durham, Duke Uni Pr, 2014
(41497 301.01/JAC )
Keywords : Sociology; Anthropology-Philosophy
Geertz, Clifford
Life among the anthros and other essays.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2010
(41455 301.01/GEE )
Keywords : Sociology; Anthropology-Philosophy; Anthropology-Research; Anthropology-Fieldwork
Grossbard, Shoshana
The Marriage motive: A Price theory of marriage, how marriage markets affect employment, consumption and savings.
Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2015
(41515 306.81/GRO )
Keywords : Sociology; Marriage-Economic aspects; Chicago school of economics
Moscovici, Serge
The Invention of society: Psychological explanations for social phenomena
Cambridge, Polity Pr, 1991
(41453 301/MOS )
Keywords : Sociology; Social psychology
Petrakis, Panagiotis E
Culture, growth and economic policy.
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2014
(41513 306.3/PET )
Keywords : Sociology; Culture-Economic aspects; Economic development; Economic policy |