Home » January 2018

January 2018

Computers, programming languages and allied aspects


Agricultural Economics

Economic Development and Policy

Financial Economics

General Economics

International Economics

Labour Economics

Land Economics [Includes Energy and Environment]


Production Economics


History and Geography




Philosophy and Psychology

Political Science


General Science


Social Problems, Welfare and Services

Social Sciences

Culture and Institutions

Social Behaviour

Social Groups

Social Processes

Computers, programming languages and allied aspects

Nisbet, Robert et al
Handbook of statistical analysis and data mining applications .
Amsterdam, Academic Pr, 2009
xxxiv, 824
Keywords: Computers, programming languages and allied aspects;Data mining
( Call number : R006.31/NIS , Accession no: 44817 )


Agricultural Economics

Bathla, Seema
Changing contours of Indian agriculture .
Singapore, Springer-Verlag, 2017
vii, 242p
Keywords: Economics;Agricultural economics;Agriculture;Employment
( Call number : 338.10954/BAT , Accession no: 44796 )

Singh, Sukhpal
Institutional innovations in the delivery of farm services in India .
New Delhi, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xxiv, 246p
Keywords: Economics;Agricultural economics;Agriculture;Agricultural innovations
( Call number : 338.160954/SIN , Accession no: 44750 )

Economic Development and Policy

Baars, Grietje
The Corporation .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xi, 554p
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;Corporations;Corporation law
( Call number : R338.74/BAA , Accession no: 44760 )

Cervellati, Matteo
Demographic change and long-run development .
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2017
vi, 354p
Keywords: Economics;Economic development and policy;Demographic transition;Economic development
( Call number : 338.9/CER , Accession no: 44798 )

Hulme, David
Should rich nations help the poor? .
Cambridge, Polity Pr, 2016
vii, 139p;
Keywords: Economics;Economic development and policy;Economic assistance;Economic development
( Call number : 338.9109172/HUL , Accession no: 44746 )

Mahendra Dev, S
India development report, 2017 .
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2017
xxvi, 270p
Keywords: Economics;Economic development and policy;India;India;Economic development
( Call number : 338.954/MAH , Accession no: 44756 )

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
India development report, 2017 . New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2017
xxvi, 270p
Keywords: Economics;Economic development and policy;India;India;Economic development
( Call number : 338.954/MAH , Accession no: 44756 )

Financial Economics

Brine, Kevin R
Finance in America .
Chigaco, Uni of Chicago Pr, 2017
x, 497p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Finance;Finance;Economics
( Call number : 332.0973/BRI , Accession no: 44802 )

Du, Jiangze et al
Chinese currency exchange rates analysis .
London, Routeldge, 2018
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Foreign exchange rates;Foreign exchange market
( Call number : 332.450951/DU , Accession no: 44725 )

Fan, Jianqing
The Elements of financial econometrics .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xii, 381p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Finance;Capital assets pricing model
( Call number : 332.015195/FAN , Accession no: 44782 )

Felber, Christian
Money – the new rules of the game .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xix, 221p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Money
( Call number : 332.4/FEL , Accession no: 44812 )

Gollier, Christian
Ethical asset valuation and the good society .
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2018
xxx, 215p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Capital market;Securities;Value;Valuation;Public good
( Call number : 332.63201/GOL , Accession no: 44801 )

LiPuma, Edward,
The Social life of financial derivatives .
Durham, Duke Uni Pr, 2017
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009;Derivative securities;Derivative securities;Financial services industry;Markets
( Call number : 332.645/LIP , Accession no: 44733 )

Lothian, Tamara,
Law and the wealth of nations .
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2017
viii, 426p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Finance;Financial crises;Financial institutions;Capital market;Monetary policy;Democracy
( Call number : 332.0973/LOT , Accession no: 44814 )

Marty, Wolfgang
Fixed income analytics .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xvii, 204p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Fixed-income securities;Bonds;Finance
( Call number : 332.6323/MAR , Accession no: 44803 )

O’Neill, Robert
Inflation .
Cham, Palgrave, 2017
xxiv, 375p
Keywords: Economics;Financial economics;Inflation
( Call number : 332.41/ONE , Accession no: 44805 )

General Economics

Bishara, Fahad Ahmad
A Sea of debt .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
ix, 279p;p
Keywords: Economics;General economics
( Call number : 330.09/BIS , Accession no: 44768 )

Elsenhans, Hartmut,
Brics or bust? .
Stanford, Stanford Briefs, 2017
viii, 115p
Keywords: Economics;General economics;BRIC countries;BRIC countries
( Call number : 330.91724/ELS , Accession no: 44738 )

Ferger, Dietmar et al
From statistics to mathematical finance .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xviii, 404
Keywords: Economics;General economics;Economics, Mathematical;Mathematical statistics;Probabilities
( Call number : 330.0151/FER , Accession no: 44804 )

Haskel, Jonathan
Capitalism without capital .
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2018
ix, 278p
Keywords: Economics;General economics;Intangible property;Capitalism;Economic forecasting
( Call number : 330.122/HAS , Accession no: 44740 )

Kapila, Uma
Indian economy since independence .
New Delhi, Academic Foundation, 2017
Keywords: Economics;General economics;India;India;Economic development
( Call number : 330.954/KAP , Accession no: 44792 )

Kranz, Tobias
Persistent stochastic shocks in a new Keynesian model with uncertainty .
Wiesbaden, Springer-Verlag, 2016
xiii, 72p;
Keywords: Economics;General economics;Macroeconomics;Uncertainity;Keynesian economics;Interest rates
( Call number : 330/KRA , Accession no: 44730 )

Maurer, Stephen M
On the shoulders of giants .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xvii, 383p
Keywords: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Econometrics.;Economists;Law
( Call number : 330.092/MAU , Accession no: 44769 )

Meghir, Costas et al
Beyond austerity .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
x, 720p
Keywords: Economics;General economics;Financial crises;Greece;Greece
( Call number : 330.9495/MEG , Accession no: 44795 )

Nishimura, Kiyohiko G
Economics of pessimism and optimism .
Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xx, 326p
( Call number : 330.01/NIS , Accession no: 44800 )

Varoufakis, Yanis
Talking to my daughter about the economy .
London, The Bodley Head, 2017
Keywords: Economics;General economics;Economics;Economic history;Capitalism
( Call number : 330/VAR , Accession no: 44788 )

Wu, Guoguang
Globalization against democracy .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xi, 339p;p
Keywords: Economics;General economics;Capitalism;Globalization;Democracy;Nation-state and globalization.;International economic relations.
( Call number : 330.122/WU , Accession no: 44703 )

International Economics

Varoufakis, Yanis
Adults in the room .
London, Bodley Head, 2017
viii, 550p
Keywords: Economics;International econoimcs;Eurozone
( Call number : 337.142095/VAR , Accession no: 44825 )

Labour Economics

Baccaro, Lucio
Trajectories of neoliberal transformation .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
vii, 261p;
Keywords: Economics;Labor economics;Industrial relations
( Call number : 331.094/BAC , Accession no: 44823 )

Bieler, Andreas
Chines labour in the global economy .
London, Routledge, 2017
xi, 161p
( Call number : 331.10951/BIE , Accession no: 44726 )

Eaton, Adrienne E
Informal workers and collective action .
Ithaca, ILR Pr, 2017
viii, 284p
Keywords: Economics;Labor economics;Informal sector (Economics);Informal sector (Economics);Employee rights.;Labor movement.
( Call number : 331/EAT , Accession no: 44720 )

Sekar, Helen R
Dynamics of employment of children and Socio-economic reality .
Noida, V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, 2017
Keywords: Economics;Labor economics;Child labor
( Call number : 331.3109542/SEK , Accession no: 44793 )

Sekar, Helen R
Worker’s rights and practices in the contemporary scenario .
Noida, V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, 2014
x, 151p
Keywords: Economics;Labor economics;Employee rights;Labour policy
( Call number : 331.120421/SEK , Accession no: 44794 )

V.V. Giri National Labour Institute
Worker’s rights and practices in the contemporary scenario . Noida, V.V.Giri National Labour Institute, 2014
x, 151p
Keywords: Economics;Labor economics;Employee rights;Labour policy
( Call number : 331.120421/SEK , Accession no: 44794 )

Land Economics [Includes Energy and Environment]

Alsweilem, Khalid
Sovereign wealth funds in resource economies .
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2018
xii, 285p
Keywords: Economics;Land economics [includes energy and environment];Natural resources
( Call number : 333.7/ALS , Accession no: 44816 )

Congleton, Roger D
Companion to the political economy of rent seeking .
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015
xvii, 534p
Keywords: Economics;Land economics [includes energy and environment];Rent seeking;Rent (Economic theory)
( Call number : 333.012/CON , Accession no: 44728 )

Sathe, Dhanmanjiri
The Political economy of land acquisition in India .
Singapore, Palgrave, 2017
xvi, 203p
Keywords: Economics;Land economics [includes energy and environment];Agriculture;Agricutlure;Land use;Land use, Rural
( Call number : 333.760954/SAT , Accession no: 44744 )

Tomain, Joseph P.,
Clean power politics .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
x, 279p;pb
Keywords: Economics;Land economics [includes energy and environment];Clean energy;Renewable energy sources;Energy policy
( Call number : 333.7940973/TOM , Accession no: 44778 )

Willrich, Mason
Modernizing America’s electricity infrastructure .
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2017
xi, 305p
Keywords: Economics;Land economics [includes energy and environment];Electric power;Electric power transmission;Electric power distribution
( Call number : 333.7932097/WIL , Accession no: 44811 )


Fairfield, Tasha,
Private wealth and public revenue in Latin America .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2015
xvii, 345p
Keywords: Economics;Macroeconomics;Fiscal policy;Taxation;Corporations;Business and politics;Wealth;Economic development
( Call number : 339.525098/FAI , Accession no: 44763 )

Production Economics

Bernardi, Linda
The Inversion factor .
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2017
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;New products;Internet of things;Technological innovations;Strategic planning
( Call number : 338.064/BER , Accession no: 44806 )

Bridge, Gavin
Oil .
Cambridge, Polity Pr, 2017
ix, 325p;p
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;Petroleum industry and trade;Petroleum industry and trade
( Call number : 338.27282/BRI , Accession no: 44743 )

Haltiwanger, John C
Measuring entrepreneurial businesses .
Chicago, Uni of Chicago Pr, 2017
ix, 477p
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;Entrepreneurship;Business enterprises
( Call number : 338.04/HAL , Accession no: 44809 )

Hamilton, Gary G
Making money .
Stanford, Stanford Uni Pr, 2017
xv, 299p;p
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;Industries;Industrialization;Businesspeople;Globalization
( Call number : 338.8895125/HAM , Accession no: 44807 )

Lambertini, Luca
An Economic theory of managerial firms .
London, Routledge, 2017
xiii, 231p
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;Oligopolies.;Industrial organization (Economic theory)
( Call number : 338.601/LAM , Accession no: 44729 )

Siddharthan, N.S
Globalisation of technology .
Singapore, Springer-Verlag, 2017
viii, 283p
Keywords: Economics;Production economics;Technological innovations
( Call number : 338.06/SID , Accession no: 44718 )


Goodfellow, Ian
Deep learning .
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2016
xxii, 775p
Keywords: Computers, programming languages and allied aspects;Machine learning
( Call number : 006.31/GOO , Accession no: 44742 )

Mateu, Jorge
Spatio-temporal design .
Chichester, John Wiley, 2013
xx, 349p
Keywords: Generalities;Sampling (Statistics);Spatial analysis (Statistics)
( Call number : 001.433/MAT , Accession no: 44747 )

Rockmore, Daniel N
What are the arts and sciences? .
Hanover, Dartmouth College Pr, 2017
ix, 361p;p
Keywords: Generalities;Humanities;Social sciences;Science
( Call number : 001.3/ROC , Accession no: 44749 )

Shroff, Gautam
The Intelligent web .
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2013
xxiii, 295
Keywords: Computers, programming languages and allied aspects;World Wide Web.;Internet.;Artificial intelligence.
( Call number : 004.678/SHR , Accession no: 44755 )

History and Geography

Chandrasekhar, C.P
Interpreting the world to change it .
New Delhi, Tulika Books, 2017
xv, 282p;p
Keywords: History and geography;India
( Call number : 954.04/CHA , Accession no: 44671 )

Chinn, Stuart
Recalibrating reform .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
xii, 343p;
Keywords: History and geography;Political science;Political culture
( Call number : 973/CHI , Accession no: 44766 )


Abramowicz, Michael
Perspectives on patentable subject matter .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2015
ix, 422p;p
Keywords: Law;Patent laws and legislation
( Call number : 346.0486/ABR , Accession no: 44772 )

Anker, Elizabeth S
New directions in law and literature .
New York, Oxford Uni Pr, 2017
vi, 437p;p
Keywords: Law;Law and literature.;Literature;Law
( Call number : 340/ANK , Accession no: 44724 )

Darling, Kate
Creativity without law .
, ,
vi, 280p;p
Keywords: Law;Intellectual property;Intellectual property;Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.);Technological innovations;Incentive (Psychology)
( Call number : 346.73048/DAR , Accession no: 44761 )

Dowdle, Michael W
Constitutionalism beyond liberalism .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
ix, 364p
Keywords: Law;Constitutional law;State, The;Liberalism;Constitutional law (Islamic law)
( Call number : 342.001/DOW , Accession no: 44758 )

Fairfield, Joshua A. T.,
Owned .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
ix, 250p
Keywords: Law;Computers;Right of property;Electronic information resources;Data protection
( Call number : 343.730999/FAI , Accession no: 44789 )

Hogg, Martin
Obligations .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xxxiv, 332
Keywords: Law;Obligations (Law);Semantics (Law);Law
( Call number : 346.02/HOG , Accession no: 44707 )

Klug, Heinz
The New legal realism .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016

Keywords: Law;Law;Realism;Law
( Call number : 340.10973/KLU , Accession no: 44786 )

Kotiswaran, Prabha
Revisiting the law and governance of trafficking, forced labor and modern slavery .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xvii, 581p
Keywords: Law;Human trafficking;Forced labor;Slavery
( Call number : 345.0255/KOT , Accession no: 44767 )

Lees, Emma
Interpreting environmental offences .
Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2017
xi, 339p;p
Keywords: Law;Offences against the environment;Offences against the environment
( Call number : 344.046/LEE , Accession no: 44721 )

Mertz, Elizabeth
The New legal realism .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xxi, 303p;
Keywords: Law;Law;Realism.;Law
( Call number : 340.10973/MER , Accession no: 44706 )

Murphy, Colleen,
The Conceptual foundations of transitional justice .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
ix, 221p
Keywords: Law;Transitional justice
( Call number : 340.115/MUR , Accession no: 44780 )

Okediji, Ruth L
Copyright law in an age of limitations and exceptions .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
xiii, 528p
Keywords: Law;Copyright;Fair use (Copyright);Law reform;Copyright
( Call number : 346.0482/OKE , Accession no: 44759 )

Siew-Kuan Ng, Elizabeth
International intellectual property and the ASEAN way .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xxvii, 324
Keywords: Law;Intellectual property;Intellectual property
( Call number : 346.5048/SIE , Accession no: 44819 )

Sokol, D. Daniel
Patent assertion entities and competition policy .
Cambridg, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
viii, 206p
Keywords: Law;Patent assertion entities;Antitrust law;Patent infringement
( Call number : 346.0486/SOK , Accession no: 44771 )

Somek, Alexander,
The Legal relation .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xiii, 208p
Keywords: Law;Law;Legal positivism;Law
( Call number : 340.1/SOM , Accession no: 44821 )

Urbina, Francisco J
A Critique of proportionality and balancing .
, ,
xii, 267p
Keywords: Law;Proportionality in law;Human rights
( Call number : 342.085/URB , Accession no: 44762 )

Weatherall, Thomas
Jus cogens .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2015
xliv, 509p
Keywords: Law;Jus cogens (International law)
( Call number : 341.1/WEA , Accession no: 44784 )


Knight, Chris,
Decoding Chomsky .
New Haven, Yale Uni Pr, 2016
xiv, 285p
Keywords: Linguistics;Chomsky, Noam;Chomsky, Noam-1928-
( Call number : 410.92/KNI , Accession no: 44741 )


The Chicago manual of style .
Chigaco, Uni of Chicago Pr, 2017
xvi, 1144p
Keywords: Literature;Printing;Authorship;Authorship;Publishers and publishing
( Call number : R808.0270973/UC , Accession no: 44787 )

Philosophy and Psychology

Campos, Thana Cristina de
The Global health crisis .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xv, 292p
Keywords: Global Health;Ethics, Research;Health Status Disparities;Neglected Diseases
( Call number : 174.2/CAM , Accession no: 44702 )

D’oro, Giuseppina
The Cambridge companion to philosophical methodology .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xv, 466p
Keywords: Philosophy and psychology;Methodology
( Call number : 101/DOR , Accession no: 44775 )

Political Science

Floyd, Jonathan,
Is Political philosophy impossible? .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xi, 278p;p
Keywords: Political science;Political science;Political participation
( Call number : 320.01/FLO , Accession no: 44820 )

Lieberman, Jethro K
Liberalism undressed .
New York, Oxford Uni Pr, 2012
Keywords: Political science;Liberalism.
( Call number : 320.51/LIE , Accession no: 44736 )

Moss, David A.,
Democracy .
Cambridge, Belknap Pr, 2017
viii, 773p
Keywords: Political science;Democracy;Social conflict
( Call number : 320.473/MOS , Accession no: 44797 )

Oliver, Adam J
The Origins of behavioural public policy .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xviii, 195
Keywords: Political science;Policy sciences;Economics
( Call number : 320.6/OLI , Accession no: 44770 )

Popkova, Elena G
Foreign trade as a factor of economic growth .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
viii, 138p
Keywords: Political science;Globalization;International economic relations;Markets
( Call number : 327.47051/POP , Accession no: 44716 )

Shugart, Matthew Soberg,
Votes from seats .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xvi, 343p;
Keywords: Political science;Elections;Election districts;Legislative bodies;Representative government and representation
( Call number : 324.6/SHU , Accession no: 44824 )


General Science

Pfanzagl, Johann
Mathematical statistics .
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2017
x, 316p
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical statistics
( Call number : 519.5/PFA , Accession no: 44808 )

Serovajsky, Simon
Optimization and differentiation .
Boca Raton :, CRC Pr, 2018
xxi, 515p
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical optimization;Control theory;Differential equations, Partial;Differential equations, Nonlinear
( Call number : 515.64/SER , Accession no: 44815 )


Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L
Practical Bayesian inference .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
ix, 295p;p
Keywords: Mathematics;Bayesian statistical decision theory;Mathematical physics
( Call number : 519.542/BAI , Accession no: 44774 )

Brooks, Jennifer
Exploring the infinite .
Boca Raton, CRC Pr, 2017
xv, 283p
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical analysis
( Call number : 515/BRO , Accession no: 44715 )

DiBenedetto, Emmanuele
Real analysis .
Boston, Birkh?user, 2002
xxxii, 596
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical analysis
( Call number : 515/DIB , Accession no: 44732 )

Farenick, Douglas
Fundamentals of functional analysis .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xiv, 451p;
Keywords: Mathematics;Functional analysis;Measure theory
( Call number : 515.7/FAR , Accession no: 44717 )

Franz, Uwe
Probability on real Lie algebras .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
xix, 281p
Keywords: Mathematics;Lie algebras;Probabilities
( Call number : 512.4/FRA , Accession no: 44764 )

Hahn, Alexander,
Calculus in context .
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Uni Pr, 2017
xii, 692p
Keywords: Mathematics;Calculus
( Call number : 515/HAH , Accession no: 44739 )

Kennedy, Juliette
Interpreting Godel .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
xi, 279p;p
Keywords: Mathematics;Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.;Mathematics
( Call number : 511.3/KEN , Accession no: 44704 )

Kirillov, Alexander A.,
An Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2008
xi, 222p;p
Keywords: Mathematics;Lie groups;Lie algebras
( Call number : 512.4/KIR , Accession no: 44783 )

Kokoszka, Piotr
Introduction to functional data analysis .
Boca Raton, CRC Pr, 2017
xvi, 290p
Keywords: Mathematics;Functional analysis.
( Call number : 515.7/KOK , Accession no: 44722 )

Komornik, Vilmos
Topology, calculus and approximation .
London, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xiv, 379p;
Keywords: Mathematics;Topology;Calculus;Approximation theory
( Call number : 514/KOM , Accession no: 44748 )

Linneman, Thomas J
Social statistics .
London, Routledge, 2017
xxxvii, 61
Keywords: Mathematics;Social sciences;Mathematical statistics
( Call number : 519.5/LIN , Accession no: 44734 )

Loehr, Nicholas A
Combinatorics .
Boca Raton, CRC Pr, 2017
xxiv, 618p
Keywords: Mathematics;Combinatorial analysis.
( Call number : 511.62/LOE , Accession no: 44727 )

Lyons, Russell
Probability on trees and networks .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
xv, 699p
Keywords: Mathematics;Stochastic processes;Trees (Graph theory)
( Call number : 511.5/LYO , Accession no: 44765 )

Miller, Arnold W.,
Descriptive set theory and forcing .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
Keywords: Mathematics;Set theory;Forcing (Model theory);Borel sets
( Call number : 511.322/MIL , Accession no: 44781 )

Mutingi, Michael
Grouping genetic algorithms .
Cham, Springer-Veralg, 2017
xiv, 243p
Keywords: Mathematics;Genetic algorithms;Artificial intelligence;Computational intelligence
( Call number : 519.4/MUT , Accession no: 44719 )

Penot, Jim-Paul
Analysis .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2016
xxiii, 669
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical analysis
( Call number : 515/PEN , Accession no: 44737 )

Qin, Yuming
Integral and discrete inequalities and their applications .
, ,
xvi, 989p
V.1 Linear inequalities
Keywords: Mathematics;Integral inequalities
( Call number : 515.46/QIN , Accession no: 44751 )

Qin, Yuming
Integral and discrete inequalities and their applications .
, ,
xvi, 1072p
V.2 Nonlinear inequalities
Keywords: Mathematics;Integral inequalities
( Call number : 515.46/QIN , Accession no: 44752 )

Rao, Srinivas Arni S.R
Disease modelling and public health .
Amsterdam, North-Holland, 2017
xviii, 493
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical statistics;Public health
( Call number : R519.5/HOS , Accession no: 44799 )

Thomopoulos, Nick T
Statistical distributions .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xvii, 172p
Keywords: Mathematics;Distribution (Probability theory)
( Call number : 519.24/THO , Accession no: 44735 )

Toader, Gheorghe
Means in mathematical analysis .
London, Academic Pr, 2018
xx, 204p;p
Keywords: Mathematics;Analysis of means
( Call number : 519.5/TOA , Accession no: 44753 )

Wolfe, Douglas A
Intuitive introductory statistics .
New York, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xviii, 976
Keywords: Mathematics;Mathematical statistics
( Call number : 519.5/WOL , Accession no: 44723 )

Social Problems, Welfare and Services

Burns, Lawton Robert
China’s healthcare system and reform .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xxiv, 458p
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Health Care Reform;Health Policy
( Call number : 362.10951/BUR , Accession no: 44776 )

De, Utpal Kumar
Issues on health and healthcare in India .
Singapore, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xxii, 465p
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Public health
( Call number : 362.10954/DE , Accession no: 44813 )

Felder, Stefan
Medical decision making .
Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2017
xx, 253p
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Medicine;Decision support techniques;Diagnosis
( Call number : 362.1/FEL , Accession no: 44754 )

Miller, Seumas
Institutional corruption .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
viii, 323p
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Applied ethics;Corruption;Moral conditions
( Call number : 364.132301/MIL , Accession no: 44818 )

Schwindt-Bayer, Leslie A
Clarity of responsibility, accountability, and corruption .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
xv, 199p;p
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Government accountability;Political corruption;Comparative government
( Call number : 364.1323/SCH , Accession no: 44777 )

Stoesz, David
Pandora’s dilemma .
New York, Oxford Uni Pr, 2018
xxxiii, 22
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Public welfare;Welfare state
( Call number : 361.973/STO , Accession no: 44822 )

Thomas, Guy
Loss coverage .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
ix, 274p;p
Keywords: Social problems, welfare and services;Insurance;Risk.
( Call number : 368/THO , Accession no: 44705 )

Social Sciences

Culture and Institutions

Garai, Laszlo
Reconsidering identity economics .
Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2017
xi, 172p
Keywords: Sociology;Economics;Identity (Psychology);Economics
( Call number : 306.3/GAR , Accession no: 44745 )

Kara, Siddharth
Modern slavery .
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2017
xii, 342p
Keywords: Sociology;Human trafficking;Prostitution;Slavery;Globalization
( Call number : 306.362/KAR , Accession no: 44810 )

Social Behaviour

Hastrup, Kirsten
Climate change and human mobility .
Cambridge , Cambridge Uni Pr, 2012
xii, 263p;
Keywords: Sociology;Migration, Internal;Climatic changes;Global environmental change;Human geography
( Call number : 304.8/HAS , Accession no: 44779 )

Poston, Dudley L.,
Population and society .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xii, 519p;
Keywords: Sociology;Population
( Call number : 304.6/POS , Accession no: 44773 )

Skiadas, Christos H
Exploring the health state of a population by dynamic modeling methods .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2017
x, 244p
Keywords: Sociology;Population;Public health
( Call number : 304.6015118/SKI , Accession no: 44714 )

Social Groups

Mahbubani, Kishore
The ASEAN miracle .
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2017
xvi, 264p
Keywords: Sociology;Peace-building
( Call number : 305.8951059/MAH , Accession no: 44791 )

Yakita, Akira
Population aging, fertility and social security .
Cham, Springer-Verlag, 2016
xvii, 237p
Keywords: Sociology;Finance, Public;Population;Aging
( Call number : 305.26/YAK , Accession no: 44731 )

Social Processes

Bosi, Lorenzo
The Consequences of social movements .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2017
xi, 410p
Keywords: Sociology;Social movements;Social movements;Social movements
( Call number : 303.484/BOS , Accession no: 44757 )

Hassanpour, Navid
Leading from the periphery and network collective action .
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2016
xii, 216p;
Keywords: Sociology;Collective behavior;Social networks;Political sociology;Protest movements;Social movements
( Call number : 303.484/HAS , Accession no: 44785 )