Behal, Rana P
One hundred years of servitude: Political economy of tea plantations in colonial Assam.
New Delhi, Tulika Books, 2014
(41178 382.41372095416/BEH )
Keywords : Commerce; Tea trade-Assam-History; British-India-Assam-History-19th century
Beran, Jan [ed]
Empirical economic and financial research.
Heidelberg, Springer, 2015
Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics; 48.
(41168 330.072/BER )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics-Research-Methodology; Finance-Research-Methodology
Jiang, Yue
Student solutions manual to accompany economic dynamics in discrete time.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
(41172 330.015195/JIA )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Econometric models; Economics-Mathematical models
Papadimitriou, Dimitri B [ed]
Contributions to economic theory, policy, development and finance: Essays in honor of Jan A. Kregel.
Hampshire, Palgrave, 2014
Levy Institute advanced research in economic policy.
(41204 330/PAP )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Finance; Economic development
Rosefielde, Steven
Inclusive economic theory.
New Jersey, World Scientific , 2015
(41216 330.15/ROS )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics-Philosophy; Economics
Samuelson, Paul A
Paul Samuelson on the history of economic analysis: Selected essays.
New York, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
(41208 330.09/SAM )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics-History; Mathematical economics-History
Walker, Donald A [ed]
Leon Walras, Elements of theoretical economics: Or The Theory of social wealth.
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
(41170 330/WAL )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; Economics, Mathematical
West, G. Page [ed]
The Economic crisis in retrospect: Explanations by great economists.
Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2013
(41182 330.905/WES )
Keywords : Economics; General economics; General Financial Crisis, 2008-2009; Economics-History
Chavas, Jean-Paul [ed]
The Economics of food price volatility.
Chicago, Uni of Chicago Pr, 2014
(41167 338.19/CHA )
Keywords : Economics; Agricultural economics; Food prices-Congresses; Agriculture-Economic aspects-Congresses
World development report, 2015: Mind, society and behavior.
Washington DC, World Bank, 2015
(S10167 338.9005/WB )
Keywords : Economics; Economic development and policy; Poor; Sustainable development
Asian development outlook, 2014: Fiscal policy for inclusive growth.
Manila, ADB, 2014
(S10168 338.95/ADB )
Keywords : Economics; Economic development and policy; Asia-Economic conditions
Hiro, Dilip
Indians in a globalizing world: Their skewed rise.
Noida, HarperCollins, 2014
(41213 338.954/HIR )
Keywords : Economics; Economic development and policy; Globalization-India; India-Economic policy-1991-; East Indians-Great Britain; East Indians-California-Santaclara valley
Pinto, Brian
How does my country grow?: Economic advice through story-telling.
Oxford, Oxford Uni Pr, 2014
(41188 338.9/PIN )
Keywords : Economics; Economic development and policy; Economic development; Development economics
Barthalon, Eric
Uncertainty, expectations and financial instability: Reviving Allais’s lost theory of psychological time.
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2014
(41211 332.601/BAR )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Investments-Psychological aspects
Chiarella, Carl
The Numerical solution of the American option pricing problem: Finite difference and transform approaches.
New Jersey, World Scientific , 2015
(41217 332.64273/CHI )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Options (Finance)-Untied States; Options (Finance)-Mathematical models
Ervolini, Michael A
Managing equity portfolios: A Behavioral approach to improving skills and investment processes
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
(41206 332.6322/ERV )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Portfolio management; Investments-Psychological aspects
Meyer, Gunter H; National Bureau of Economc i Research
The Time-discrete method of lines for options and bonds: A PDE approach.
New Jersey, World Scientific , 2015
( 41218 332.645/MEY )
Keywords : Economics; Financial economics; Derivative securities-Mathematical models; Options (Finance)-Mathematical models; Bonds-Mathematical models
Belman, Dale (ed)
Public sector employment in a time of transition.
Madison, Industrial Relations Research Association, 1996
Industrial Relations Research Association series.
(41219 331.89/BEL )
Keywords : Economics; Labor economics; Employee-management relationship in government; Civil service; Collective bargaining-Government employees
Jones, Bruce
The Risk pivot: Great powers, international security and the energy revolution.
Washington DC, Brookings Institution Pr, 2015
(41210 333.79/JON )
Keywords : Economics; Land economics [includes energy and environment]; Power resources; Energy consumption; Security, International
Tilt, Bryan
Dams and development in China: The Moral economy of water and power
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2015
(41205 333.9140951/TIL )
Keywords : Economics; Land economics [includes energy and environment]; Dams-Social aspects-China-Yunan Xian; Watershed management-China; Hydroelectric power plants-China; Energy policy-China; Economic development-Social aspects-China
Weeks, John
The Irreconcilable inconsistencies of neoclassical macroeconomics: A False paradigm.
London, Routledge, 2012
(41198 339/WEE )
Keywords : Economics; Macroeconomics; Neoclassical school of economics
Corporate Reform Collective
Fighting corporate abuse : Beyond predatory capitalism.
London, Pluto Pr, 2014
(41187 338.5/CRC )
Keywords : Economics; Microeconomics; Capitalism; Corporations-Corrupt practices
Dixit, Avinash
Microeconomics: A Very short introduction.
Oxford , Oxford Uni Pr, 2014
(41161 338.5/DIX )
Keywords : Economics; Microeconomics; Microeconomics
Hsu, Sara
Financial crises, 1929 to the present.
Cheltenham , Edward Elgar, 2013
(41183 338.54209/HSU )
Keywords : Economics; Microeconomics; Financial crises; Financial crises-History-20th century; Financial crises-History-21st century
Harriss-White, Barbara et al
Dalits and adivasis in India`s business economy: Three essays and an atlas.
Gurgaon, Three Essays Collective, 2014
( 41175 338.040954/HAR )
Keywords : Economics; Production economics; Entrepreneurship-India; Dalits-India; Adivasis-India
Roll, Michael [ed]
The Politics of public sector performance: Pockets of effectiveness in developing countries.
London, Routledge, 2014
Routledge research in comparative politics.
(41199 338.74/ROL )
Keywords : Economics; Production economics; Public enterprises; Public administration-Developed countries; Government business enterprises-Developed countries; Administrative agencies-Developing countries-Evaluation
Carrasco, Bruno [ed]
Managing capital flows: Issues in selected emerging market economies.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2014
(41190 332.042/CAR )
Keywords : Economics; Public finance; Capital movements; Monetary policy
Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge [ed]
Coercion and social welfare in public finance: Economic and political perspectives.
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
(41166 336.001/MAR )
Keywords : Economics; Public finance; Finance, Public; Public welfare; State, The; Social policy
Tresch, Richard W
Public finance: A Normative theory.
Amsterdam, Academic Pr, 2014
(41209 336/TRE )
Keywords : Economics; Public finance; Finance, Public
Zhao, Yong
Who’s afraid of the big bad dragon?: Why China has the best (and worst) education system in the world.
San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 2014
(41202 370.951/ZHA )
Keywords : Education; Education and state-China; Educational anthropology-China; Educational sociology-China; Educational change-China; Academic achievement-China
Chakrabarti, Dilip K
Nation first: Essays in the politics of ancient Indian studies (Including an analysis of the CAG report on the Archaeological Survey of India).
New Delhi, Aryan Book International, 2014
(41214 930.1072054/CHA )
Keywords : History and geography; History, Ancient-Research-India-History; Archaeology-Research-India-History; Nationalism-Study and teaching-India-History
Iyengar, Uma (ed)
The Oxford India Nehru.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2007
(41163 954.042092/IYE )
Keywords : History and geography; Nehru, Jawaharlal, -1889-1964; Prime ministers-India-Biography; India-Politics and government-20th century
Nanda, B.R
Three statesmen: Gokhale, Gandhi and Nehru.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2014
(41164 954.092/NAN )
Keywords : History and geography; Gokhale, Gopalkrishna, -1866-1915; Gandhi, Mahatma, -1869-1918; Nehru, Jawaharlal, -1889-1964
Nehru Centre, Mumbai
Witness to history: Transition and transformation of India, 1947-64.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2014
(41165 954.04/NC )
Keywords : History and geography; India-History-1947-
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Letters for a nation from Jawaharlal Nehru to his chief ministers, 1947-1963
Gurgaon, Allen Lane, 2014
(41177 954.042092/NEH )
Keywords : History and geography; Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1889-1964-Correspondence; India-Politics and government-1947-Correspondence; Prime ministers-India-Correspondence
Sarkar, Sumit
Popular movements and middle class leadership in late colonial India: Perspectives and problems of a history from below.
Delhi, Aakar, 1983
(41215 954.03/SAR )
Keywords : History and geography; Social movements-India-History; India-Politics and government-1857-1919; India-Politics and government-1919-1947
Sarkar, Sumit
Modern times: India, 1880s-1950s. Environment, economy and culture.
Ranikhet, Permanent Black, 2014
(41192 954.035/SAR )
Keywords : History and geography; India-Economic conditions-19th century; India-Economic conditions; India-Civilization-19th century
Tripathi, Salil
The Colonel who would not repent: The Bangladesh war and its unquiet legacy.
New Delhi, Aleph Book Company, 2014
( 41196 954.92/TRI )
Keywords : History and geography; Bangladesh-History; Bangladesh-War-History
Gavil, Andrew I
The Microsoft antitrust cases: Competition policy for the twenty-first century.
Cambridge, MIT Pr, 2014
( 41207 343.730721/GAV )
Keywords : Law; Microsoft Corporation-Trials, litigation, etc.; United States-Trials, litigation, etc.; Antitrust law-United States-Cases; Software industry-Law and legislation-United States-Cases
Seth, Leila
Talking of justice: People’s rights in modern India
New Delhi, Aleph Book Company, 2014
(41179 347.54/SET )
Keywords : Law; Civil rights-India; Justice, Administration of-India
Calafiore, Giuseppe C
Optimization models.
Cambridge, Cambridge Uni Pr, 2014
(41171 519.3/CAL )
Keywords : Mathematics; Mathematical optimization; Convex sets; Convex functions
Pitici, Mircea [ed]
The Best writing on mathematics, 2014.
Princeton, Princeton Uni Pr, 2015
(41203 510/PIT )
Keywords : Mathematics; Mathematics
Heffernan, Margaret
A Bigger prize: Why competition isn’t everything and how we do better.
London, Simon & Schuster, 2014
(41184 155.232/HEF )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Competition (Psychology)
Roberts, Russ
How Adam Smith can change your life: An Unexpected guide to human nature and happiness.
London, Portfolio Penguin, 2015
(41173 158.1/ROB )
Keywords : Philosophy and psychology; Smith, Adam, -1723-1790-Influence; Smith, Adam, -1723-1790-Influence-Self-actualization (Psychology)
Davies, William
The Limits of neoliberalism : Authority, sovereignty and the logic of competition.
London, Sage, 2014
(41197 320.5/DAV )
Keywords : Political science; Neoliberalism; Neoliberalismus
Hasan, Zoya
Democracy and the crisis of inequality.
Delhi, Primus Books, 2014
(41212 321.80954/HAS )
Keywords : Political science; Democracy-India; Democracy-Social aspects-India; India-Politics and government
Mathur, Hari Mohan
Displacement and resettlement in India: The Human cost of development.
London, Routledge, 2013
(41176 325/MAT )
Keywords : Political science; Forced migration-India; Rural-urban migration-India; Rural development-Social aspects-India; Economic development-Social aspects-India
Sarmah, Bhupen [ed]
Neoliberal state and its challenges.
New Delhi, Aakar Books, 2014
(41193 320.510954/SAR )
Keywords : Political science; Neoliberalism-India-Congresses; India-Politics and government-Congresses
Yadav, R.K
Mission R & AW.
New Delhi, Manas Publications, 2014
(41191 327.120954/YAD )
Keywords : Political science; India-Cabinet Secretariat-Research and Analysis Wing; Intelligent services-India
Zachariah, K.C
Researching international migration: Lessons from the Kerala experience.
New Delhi, Routledge, 2015
(41194 325.095483/ZAC )
Keywords : Political science; Emigration and immigration-Kerala
Suba Chandran, D [ed]
Armed conflicts in South Asia 2013: Transitions.
New Delhi, Routledge, 2014
(41185 355.020954/SUB )
Keywords : Public administration; Insurgency-South Asia; South Asia-Foreign relations; Diplomatic relations
Finkelstein, Amy et al
Moral hazard in health insurance.
New York, Columbia Uni Pr, 2015
(41201 368.382/FIN )
Keywords : Social problems, welfare and Services; Health insurance; Moral hazard; Risk-Insurance
Klein, Naomi
This Changes everything: Capitalism vs. the climate.
London, Allen Lane, 2014
(41180 363.7387/KLE )
Keywords : Social problems, welfare and services; Global environmental change-Economic aspects; Capitalism; Environmental economics; Environmental policy-Economic aspects; Climatic changes-Economic aspects
Narain, Sunita (ed) et al; Center for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Bhopal gas tragedy.
New Delhi, Centre for Science and Environment, 2014
(41174 363.179/NAR )
Keywords : Social problems, welfare and services; Pesticides industry-Accidents-Bhopal; Industrial toxicology-Bhopal; Bhopal Union Carbide plant disaster, Bhopal, India, 1984
Boustan, Leah Platt [ed]
Human capital in history: The American record.
Chicago, Uni of Chicago Pr, 2014
(41169 302.0973/BOU )
Keywords : Sociology; Human capital-United States; Labor supply-United States-History
Dorling, Danny
Inequality and the 1%.
London, Verso, 2014
( 41200 305.50941/DOR )
Keywords : Sociology; Equality-Great Britain; Poverty-Great Britain; Social classes-Great Britain; Poverty and Homelessness
Jayaram, N [ed]
Ideas, institutions, processes: Essays in memory of Satish Saberwal.
Hyderabad, Orient BlackSwan, 2014
(41189 306.0954/JAY )
Keywords : Sociology; Sociology-India; India-History; Social institutions-India
Jodhka, Surinder
Caste in contemporary India.
New Delhi, Routledge , 2015
(41186 305.51220954/JOD )
Keywords : Sociology; Caste-India
King, Robert D
Nehru and the language politics of India.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 1998
(41162 306.44954/KIN )
Keywords : Sociology; Nehru, Jawaharlal, -1889-1964; Language policy-India; India-Languages-Political aspects
Rangarajan, Mahesh [ed]
Shifting ground: People, animals and mobility in India`s environmental history.
New Delhi, Oxford Uni Pr, 2014
(41195 304.20954/RAN )
Keywords : Sociology; India-Environmental conditions; Human ecology-India-History; Nature-Effect of human beings on-India-History
Vasudevan, Vandana
Urban villager: Life in an Indian satellite town.
Delhi, Sage, 2013
(41181 307.76809542/VAS )
Keywords : Sociology; New towns-Noida; Urbanisation-Noida; Country life-Noida |