Watch the live streaming of Conference on YouTube
With less than eight years left for the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that India and other United Nations member countries agreed upon in 2015, it is time that we reflect upon the progress made so far and the challenges that lie ahead in the attainment of sustainable development. This is particularly important given that a series of shocks have hit the global economy in the recent few years starting with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The pandemic has slowed down and has probably wiped out in some cases, the progress made by India and many developing countries in improving the lives of the poor. Estimates show that even before the COVID 19 pandemic the world was already not on track to achieving Zero Hunger by 2030. In 2019, nearly 690 million people globally were hungry (8.9% of the world population). The pandemic could have doubled this count by putting an additional 130 million people at risk of suffering acute hunger by the end of 2020 (UN Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021).
Even as the pandemic-induced uncertainty lingers on the global economy has been hit by a series of other shocks such as rising inflation especially high energy and food prices in most parts of the world, the Ukraine-Russia war, economic crisis in many developing countries, and the increasing incidence of extreme climate events due to climate change.
All these have made it imperative that we deliberate over challenges that impede the attainment of SDGs and study policies and programs that not just moves the world faster towards reaching these goals but also make the progress achieved resilient to shocks.
With this aim, the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in its 35th Year since Inception, is organising a three-day conference on Sustainable Development Goals Amidst Multiple Global Shocks – Challenges and Way Forward from December 21 to 23 2022. The conference would provide a forum to discuss high-quality innovative academic and policy-relevant research on SDGs. The conference will have a particular focus on the following themes:
• Reducing poverty and inequality (SDG 1,10)
• Agriculture and nutrition (SDG 2)
• Access to quality health (SDG 3)
• Access to quality education (SDG 4)
• Climate change (SDG 11, 13, 15)
A common cross-cutting issue across all these themes is gender equality and empowerment of women, especially their ability to cope with diverse adverse shocks. The Conference will deliberate on the gender dimension as well.
The Conference will include three keynote addresses and panel discussions on (i) 3C Shock (Covid, Climate Change & Conflict) - Poverty, Food Security & Nutrition, and (ii) Education, employment and skills.
IGIDR invites faculty and research students in academic institutions and think tanks to submit original research papers for the Second Biennial Conference on Development on the theme Sustainable Development Goals amidst Multiple Global Shocks: Progress, Challenges and Way Forward to be held from December 21 to 23, 2022.
1. Papers are invited on all theoretical and empirical aspects pertinent to the Conference theme. Contributions on the following topics are
particularly welcome.
• Reducing poverty and inequality (SDG 1,10)
• Agriculture and nutrition (SDG 2)
• Access to quality health (SDG 3)
• Access to quality education (SDG 4)
• Climate change (SDG 11, 13, 15)
Papers on cross-cutting issues across one or more of the above topics such as gender are especially welcome.
2. Complete, unpublished original papers should be submitted online in PDF format after logging in at
3. Papers should reach on or before October 14, 2022. All submissions will be reviewed, and the authors of accepted papers will be informed by October 31, 2022.
4. Length of the paper should be about 6,000–8,000 words. The paper should include an abstract of about 200–400 words.
5. In the case of co-authored papers, the author for communication and the author who would be presenting the paper at the
Conference should be clearly mentioned in the paper.
Mode of the Conference and financial support
1. The Conference will be held in IGIDR Campus, Goregaon East, Mumbai. In case of any adverse change in the pandemic situation closer to
the Conference dates, the Conference may be held in Online mode.
2. IGIDR will provide local hospitality to the author (presenting author only in case of co-authored papers) of all accepted papers.
3. Limited funding support for domestic travel to Mumbai is available for research students presenting a paper at the Conference.
This page provides information on the following (links to the headings):
• Presentations
• Logistics
• Travel Support for Ph.D. students
• About The Host Institution
• How to reach IGIDR
Watch the live streaming of Conference on YouTube
1. Brief version of the Programme schedule is already on the Conference website. Presentation day and slot will be finalized after 30th November once we get confirmation of participation from authors. The detailed Progamme Schedule will be uploaded on the Conference website in due course.
2. The time allocated for each paper is 20 minutes – about 12-15 minutes for presentation and 5-8 minutes for discussion.
3. All paper presenters are required to upload their presentation and updated version of their paper using the Presentation Google form at this link latest by 18th December 2022. As a backup please send the same by email to devconf@igidr.ac.in.
4. Please mention in this Google Form if you need a Participation Certificate, so that we can keep it ready.
5. At present there are no plans for publishing the paper in any journal / edited volume of proceedings.
6. Please note that the Conference will be held offline in IGIDR Campus, Goregaon East, Mumbai. Given the large number of papers, we are currently not accepting requests for online paper presentations to avoid any disturbance to the Programme Schedule. The entire Conference proceedings will be live streamed. The live stream link will be posted on the Conference website later.
1. Travel: Paper presenters have to make their travel arrangements to Mumbai and to IGIDR campus from airport or railway stations. Directions for reaching IGIDR from Airport and Railway stations are given below. Your arrival and departure dates can be 20th Dec and 24th December, 2022, respectively.
2. Accommodation: IGIDR will provide accommodation for only one author per paper for the nights of 20th to 23rd December, 2022. IGIDR will not be able to provide accommodation for co-author(s) or any other person(s) accompanying the paper presenters due to room availability constraints. They have to make their own arrangements for stay; IGIDR will not be able to help on this. Paper presenters are required to fill the Logistics Google Form at this link on or before 15th December 2022 giving their arrival and departure details to facilitate booking of accommodation.
3. Meals: IGIDR will provide all meals during 20-24 December 2022 for the Conference Participants.
Travel support for Ph.D. students:
IGIDR will be able to provide travel support to PhD students only whose paper has been accepted for presentation in the conference. IGIDR will reimburse the cost of Third AC Train Return Trip by shortest route to Mumbai from the place of their Institution. Those seeking travel support have to book their train tickets and submit a copy of the ticket during the conference for reimbursement; IGIDR will not be able to book the tickets for them. They are required to fill the details in the Travel support Google Form at this link on or before 15th December 2022. They have to upload a scanned copy of a Bonafide Certificate issued by the Head of the Department / Director / any other authorized official of their University / Institute regarding ther PhD student status. The original of this Bonafide Certificate has to be submitted during the Conference while claiming the reimbursement. They will be required to share their Bank details and a copy of their PAN card (please bring the original for verification) for the reimbursement.
About The Host Institution
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is an advanced research Institute established in 1987 in Mumbai by the Reserve Bank of India for the study of national and global development issues. It is governed by a Board of Management comprising distinguished academicians. The Institute is recognized as a Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act.
As an institution of national and international repute, IGIDR's mission has been to promote academic excellence with respect to research, teaching, and capacity building in economics and development policy. The Institute offers M.Sc. in Economics and Ph.D in Development Studies and admits students from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach with economics at its core, the course structure in each programme is designed to impart theoretical and empirical skills to analyse economic, energy and environmental issues and problems.
IGIDR faculty are drawn from reputed institutions from India and abroad and have established themselves as leading researchers in their respective areas of specialization. They have published in high quality peer reviewed journals and have contributed to academic and development policy debates at both national and international level.
The Institute carries out research funded by various international organizations like the World Bank, USAID, Asian Development Bank, IMF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. FAO, and the like. IGIDR is well known for its biennial India Development Report that surveys contemporary economic issues. IGIDR has well-connected links with policy makers, regulators and industry leaders
For more information, please visit www.igidr.ac.in
How to reach IGIDR
Please see this link http://www.igidr.ac.in/about-us/reach-igidr/
Organising Committee:
Dr. A. Ganesh-Kumar
Dr. Vijay Laxmi Pandey
Dr. Bharti Nandwani
Conference Secretariat:
Ms. Sayli Charatkar
Email: devconf@igidr.ac.in
Tel: +91-22-6909 6530
Website: http://www.igidr.ac.in/conf/devconf