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CoRe – 2024


November 6, 2024 – November 8, 2024.


We’re excited to host CoRe 2024! The Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) invites applications from Ph.D. scholars to participate in its Seventh Conversations on Research (CoRe) Ph.D. Colloquium, 2024. We look forward to an enthusiastic response from Ph.D. scholars across the country to make the Colloquium a vibrant and engaging experience. The Colloquium is being organized as part of the institute’s overall mandate to foster excellence in research by stimulating interactions and facilitating collaborations among young researchers.

CoRe aims to provide doctoral students of Economics, Energy & Environment, and Development Studies:

  • a platform to present their ongoing research and gain valuable feedback,
  • an opportunity to meet doctoral students from other parts of the country
  • a forum to discuss and resolve emerging issues that concern both theoretical and empirical researchers,
  • guidance on increasing publication success, and how to address challenges faced during Ph.D.
  • guidance on post-Ph.D. career options.

Date and Venue: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 – Friday, November 8, 2024Institute’s Campus, located on Gen. A. K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400065, INDIA.

  • Full Paper Sessions: A total of 20 Ph.D. scholars who are in the advanced stage of their doctoral work will be invited to present a paper from their thesis. This will be followed by a discussion led by the chair/discussant. Two slots are earmarked for candidates who made poster presentations in CoRe 2023 subject to their meeting acceptable quality standards.
  • Poster Presentation Sessions: A total of 16 Ph.D. scholars who are in the initial stages of their Ph.D. will be invited to present an overview of their thesis in poster presentations. The three top posters will be awarded prizes which include a CoRe citation and book awards. Students interested in applying for the poster sessions have to send a preview of their thesis in a single-spaced report format. The word limit for the report is 1000. Students selected for the poster presentation are expected to bring a printout of the poster to the venue.
  • Panel Discussions: There will be a plenary talk and two Panel Discussions: (i) Meet the Editors (attendees will get an opportunity to interact with editors of leading national and international journals), (ii) Life After Ph.D. (Ph.D. students who have recently graduated will provide guidance on post Ph.D. career options). Prof. Abhirup Sarkar (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata) has kindly agreed to deliver the plenary talk. Prof. Sangeeta Bansal (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), Prof. Mausumi Das (Delhi School of Economics, Shiv Nadar University), and Prof. Uday Bhanu Sinha (Delhi School of Economics) will be the panel discussants for "Meet the Editors".

Financial Support: 3rdAC train fare by the shortest route, free accommodation on a twin-sharing basis from November 5 – November 9, 2024, and full boarding.

Application Procedure:
All Ph.D. scholars registered with a university are eligible to apply. Applicants need to register on the IGIDR website www.igidr.ac.in/CoRe2024, following which they have to upload (1) their latest CV and (2) a completed paper to be considered for the Full Paper Sessions or an overview of the thesis to be considered for Poster Sessions. Selected candidates may be required to send a scanned copy of their bona-fide certificate.
[Applicants need to have Gmail account to upload the files]
Click Here to Register for the CoRe 2024
The deadline for receiving applications is September 15, 2024. Selected candidates will be informed by October 1, 2024.

For any other information, please contact.
  CoRe Secretariat
Ms. Sayli Charatkar
Tel: (022)6909 6530
  CoRe Website
  CoRe E-mail