NOTIFICATION The IGIDR Admission Test for the M.Sc. and Ph.D programs will be conducted on October 11 2020. The Test is scheduled in the afternoon, the exact time at which candidates are supposed to report to their respective centers will be notified in the call letter. Based on several requests […]
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Notification Regarding IGIDR Admission Test 2020
Working Paper: An alternate to survey methods to measure work from home
Author: Mohit Sharma, Sargam Gupta and Xavier Estupinan Title: An alternate to survey methods to measure work from home Abstract: During unprecedented times like COVID-19, when ‘social distancing’ is a new normal, knowing the jobs that can be performed from home is useful for policymakers and researchers. A most common […]
Working Paper: Are more productive banks always better?
Author: Rajeswari Sengupta and Harsh Vardhan Title: Are more productive banks always better? Abstract: In this paper, we connect productivity growth in the banking sector with the subsequent build up of stressed assets on the banks’ balance sheets. In doing so, we highlight the problems of a methodology that measures […]
The IGIDR Admission Test 2020 scheduled on September 7, 2020 stands postponed.
Working Paper: Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy: An Analysis of Fiscal Scenarios
Author: Ila Patnaik and Rajeswari Sengupta Title: Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy: An Analysis of Fiscal Scenarios Abstract: Amidst the economic slowdown triggered by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pan-demic in India there have been many demands for the government to announce a large fiscal stimulus to support the economy. Economic […]
Working Paper: Regional Patterns and Determinants of Commuting between Rural and Urban India
Author: Vasavi Bhatt, S Chandrasekhar, Ajay Sharma Title: Regional Patterns and Determinants of Commuting between Rural and Urban India Abstract: Despite an increase in the number of workers commuting between rural and urban areas, much of the literature on worker mobility continues to be migration centric. This paper establishes the importance of rural-urban commuting in […]
Recruitment for faculty positions
Working Paper: Productivity growth in Indian banking: Who did the gains accrue to?
Author: Rajeswari Sengupta and Harsh Vardhan Title: Productivity growth in Indian banking: Who did the gains accrue to? Abstract: In this paper we analyse the beneficiaries of productivity gains in the Indian banking sector during the period from 1992 to 2019. We document the relative efficiency of different groups of banks by owner- […]
Working Paper: COVID-19 Pandemic, Lockdown and the Indian Labour Market: Evidence from PLFS 2017-18
Author: Vasavi Bhatt, Shweta Grover, Ajay Sharma Title: COVID-19 Pandemic, Lockdown and the Indian Labour Market: Evidence from PLFS 2017-18 Abstract: Using the PLFS 2017-18, this study intends to analyse current labour market from the perspective of COVID-19 pandemic, subsequent lockdown and the expected slowdown in the Indian economy. We intend to explore […]
Working Paper: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Labour Supply and Gross Value Added in India
Author: Xavier Estupinan, Mohit Sharma, Sargam Gupta and Bharti Birla Title: Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Labour Supply and Gross Value Added in India Abstract: This paper estimates the first order supply shock through labour supply reduction associated with the containment measures taken by the Government of India to control COVID-19 spread. We […]