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Working Paper: Take home rations (THR) and cash transfers for maternal and child nutrition: A synthesis of evidence in India
Author: Sudha Narayanan; Shree Saha Title: Take home rations (THR) and cash transfers for maternal and child nutrition: A synthesis of evidence in India Abstract: Devoting public resources to reducing micronutrient deficiencies in children is essential for improved health, and is associated with large economic returns in the long-run through […]
Author: C. Rangarajan and S. Mahendra Dev Title: POVERTY IN INDIA: MEASUREMENT, TRENDS AND OTHER ISSUES Abstract: Eradication of poverty is an important objective of economic policy. Therefore, measurement of poverty has to be sound as it has significant policy implications. This paper presents the methodology followed by the Expert […]
First Biennial Conference on Development – Trade and Development
Working Paper: Stricter Patent Regime, Scientist Mobility and Innovation
Author: Madhuparna Ganguly Title: Stricter Patent Regime, Scientist Mobility and Innovation Abstract: We model a patent regime in which an innovating firm can partially recover its damage due to scientist movement from the infringing rival. The strength of the patent system, which is a function of litigation success probability and recovery proportion, stipulates […]
Working Paper: Globalization and Workforce Composition in Indian Formal Manufacturing: New evidence on product market competition channel
Author: Ritabrata Bose and K.V. Ramaswamy Title: Globalization and Workforce Composition in Indian Formal Manufacturing: New evidence on product market competition channel Abstract: A variety of mechanisms linking globalization and margins of adjustments in the labour markets have been empirically tested in recent years. How globalization could affect workforce composition of industries and […]
Academic Calendar 2020
Postponement of Academic Session 2020-21 for the M.Sc and Ph.D. Programme for Batch 2020
Working Paper: Disaggregated labor supply implications of guaranteed employment in India
Author: Megan Sheahan, Yanyan Liu, Sudha Narayanan and Christopher B. Barrett Title: Disaggregated labor supply implications of guaranteed employment in India Abstract: How do household labor supply decisions change with the entry of a massive employment guarantee program? This paper explores the household labor allocation effects – disaggregated by gender, […]
Working Paper: Employment Guarantee during Times of COVID-19: Pro-poor and Pro-return-migrant?
Author: Sudha Narayanan, Christian Oldiges and Shree Saha Title: Employment Guarantee during Times of COVID-19: Pro-poor and Pro-return-migrant? Abstract: Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted economies rendering millions without employment. A number of countries have turned to labour market interventions to protect workers. India leverages on a workfare programme, the […]