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Notification: The Admission Test for the M.Sc. and Ph.D programme is scheduled on July 4, 2021 in the afternoon hours.
Using the snowball effect in Indian post Covid-19 paths to fiscal consolidation
Author: Ashima Goyal Title: Using the snowball effect in Indian post Covid-19 paths to fiscal consolidation Abstract: In order to analyze how the excess of growth over the real interest rate can best contribute to Indian post Covid19 debt adjustment paths, we draw on historical experience, past adjustment episodes and […]
Poverty Reduction in Rural India during 2004-05 to 2011-12: Role of Growth, Redistribution,and Population Shifts
Author: Karthikeya Naraparaju, S Chandrasekhar Title: Poverty Reduction in Rural India during 2004-05 to 2011-12: Role of Growth, Redistribution,and Population Shifts Abstract: We assess the relative importance of factors contributing to poverty reduction in rural India, between 2004-05 and 2011-12, a period when India was one of the fastest growing […]
EconPrism, 1st issue of IGIDR newsletter published
Qualitative and Quantitative Central Bank Communications and Professional Forecasts: Evidence from India
Author: Ashima Goyal and Prashant Parab Title: Qualitative and Quantitative Central Bank Communications and Professional Forecasts: Evidence from India Abstract: We analyze the influence of qualitative and quantitative communications of the Reserve Bank of India on inflation expectations of professional forecasters, and draw out implications for the impact of policy variables on expectations. […]
Last date for receipt of Online Application form is extended until May 10, 2021
Call for Papers: IGIDR invites submissions of research papers for its 19th Annual Conference on Macroeconomics and Finance
The Online Test scheduled on May 8, 2021 stands postponed. The new date and time will be announced in due course of time.
Capital account liberalisation in a large emerging economy: An analysis of onshore-offshore arbitrage
Author: Nidhi Aggarwal, Sanchit Arora and Rajeswari Sengupta Title: Capital account liberalisation in a large emerging economy: An analysis of onshore-offshore arbitrage Abstract: In this paper, we decipher the openness of India’s capital account by calculating the covered interest parity (CIP) deviations between the onshore-offshore rupee market. India is a […]