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With a Little Help : Young women farmer experiences in India

Author: Sharada Srinivasan and Sudha Narayanan Title: With a Little Help : Young women farmer experiences in India Abstract: Despite the substantial body of work focused on women farmers in India, the generational aspects of women farmers are often under-researched. Young women farmers (YWF) often get lost in discussions of […]

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Author: C. Rangarajan and S. Mahendra Dev Title: POVERTY IN INDIA: MEASUREMENT, TRENDS AND OTHER ISSUES Abstract: Eradication of poverty is an important objective of economic policy. Therefore, measurement of poverty has to be sound as it has significant policy implications. This paper presents the methodology followed by the Expert […]

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Working Paper: Stricter Patent Regime, Scientist Mobility and Innovation

Author: Madhuparna Ganguly Title: Stricter Patent Regime, Scientist Mobility and Innovation Abstract: We model a patent regime in which an innovating firm can partially recover its damage due to scientist movement from the infringing rival. The strength of the patent system, which is a function of litigation success probability and recovery proportion, stipulates […]

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Working Paper: Globalization and Workforce Composition in Indian Formal Manufacturing: New evidence on product market competition channel

Author: Ritabrata Bose and K.V. Ramaswamy Title: Globalization and Workforce Composition in Indian Formal Manufacturing: New evidence on product market competition channel Abstract: A variety of mechanisms linking globalization and margins of adjustments in the labour markets have been empirically tested in recent years. How globalization could affect workforce composition of industries and […]

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