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Labour Share in Indian Economy: An Exploratory Analysis of the Role of Trade, Technology and Structural Transformation
Author: Anwesha Basu and C. Veeramani Title: Labour Share in Indian Economy: An Exploratory Analysis of the Role of Trade, Technology and Structural Transformation Abstract: This study analyses the trends, patterns and determinants of the labour share in India. While most of the literature on this topic covers only the […]
Beyond India @75 : Growth, inclusion and sustainability
Author: S. Mahendra Dev Title: Beyond India @75 : Growth, inclusion and sustainability Abstract: There have been many successes and failures in economic and social development of India in the last 75 years. The recent covid-19 pandemic had also an adverse impact on growth, employment, health and education etc. In this paper, issues […]
What does the COVID-19 experience tell us about Indian growth drivers?
Author: Ashima Goyal Title: What does the COVID-19 experience tell us about Indian growth drivers? Abstract: In India’s battle with Covid-19, recovery was largely under-predicted and financial sector distress over-predicted. The slowdown through the 2010s led to the view that structural features limit growth and financial sector malfunction lowers monetary transmission. Therefore the […]
19th Macroeconomics and Finance Conference (MFC) : Invitation to Register
Herd immunity, COVID-19 and vaccination: some propositions
Author: Srijit Mishra Title: Herd immunity, COVID-19 and vaccination: some propositions Abstract: In the herd immunity path to COVID-19, the scientific world has two broad positions. The Great Barrington declaration called for allowing low-risk population to start activities so that other overriding public health concerns beyond COVID-19 and livelihood aspects of the underprivileged […]
on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) – Nov 24, 2021 at 4.15 pm
Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Time: 4.15 pm to 5.45 pm. Topic: Copyright, Fair Use, and Open Access Speaker: Dr. Arul George Scaria, Associate Professor, National Law University, New Delhi Inauguration by: Prof. S. Mahendra Dev, Director, IGIDR You may please join LIVE @
Methodological and Ethical Concerns in a Study on Effect of COVID-19 Vaccine among Health Care Workers in a Medical College of India
Author: Srijit Mishra Title: Methodological and Ethical Concerns in a Study on Effect of COVID-19 Vaccine among Health Care Workers in a Medical College of India Abstract: A critical look into the nature of observational data from a study on effect of COVID-19 vaccine of health care workers points out […]
Notification: The Academic Session for Batch 2021 will begin from August 31, 2021. All the other relevant information will be emailed to the candidates in due course of time.
Analysing India’s Exchange Rate Regime
Author: Ila Patnaik and Rajeswari Sengupta Title: Analysing India’s Exchange Rate Regime Abstract: We analyse India’s exchange rate regime through the prism of exchange market pressure. We estimate the various regimes that India’s exchange rate has been through during the period from 2000 to 2020. We find four specific regimes of the Indian […]