Prof. S.Mahendra Dev has been elected as President of the Indian Economic Association (IEA) for the next three years starting from January 2018. Apart from having annual conferences, IEA will help in organising conferences and seminars to improve the quality of teaching and research in economics in colleges and universities. […]
Dr. Ashima Goyal received the SKOCH Challenger Award for Economic Policy at the 50th SKOCH Summit held in Delhi on 21 December, 2017.
Dr. Ashima Goyal, Professor has been appointed as a member of Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council
Dr. Rajeswari Sengupta, Assistant Professor has been awarded a Scholarship by the Reserve Bank of India
Dr. Rajeswari Sengupta, Assistant Professor has been awarded a Scholarship by the RBI under their “Scholarship Scheme for Faculty Members from Academic Institutions – 2017”. This scheme aims at bringing on board scholars, who would be able to undertake and pursue critical projects successfully and thereby contribute to the Reserve […]
Prof. S. Mahendra Dev, Director has been appointed as Vice-Chairman of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Mr. Jai Mohan Pandit, Registrar has been selected for the 2017 Fulbright Fellowship
Mr. Jai Mohan Pandit will be required to travel US, to visit some of the best Universities for two weeks, to understand the functioning of US University’s academic administration and human resource systems.His visit to US will enable him to obtain additional knowledge in the field of academic administration and […]
IGIDR student Serene Kathiwada has published an op-ed piece in Nepal’s leading newspaper
IGIDR student Serene Kathiwada has published an op-ed piece in Nepal’s leading newspaper Serene Kathiwada, an IGIDR student who did master’s thesis with Dr. Nagraj this year, has published an op-ed piece in Nepal’s leading newspaper based on his thesis.
Nidhi Aggarwal’s thesis was adjudged the ‘Best Ph.D. Thesis in Financial Economics
Nidhi Aggarwal’s thesis was adjudged the ‘Best Ph.D. Thesis in Financial Economics at the 99th conference of the Indian Economic Association. Nidhi Aggarwal is a researcher at the Finance Research Group, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR). Her research interests include market microstructure, commodity markets, high-frequency trading, […]