It is not merely a cliché to say Alumni are the calling card for an academic institution. As IGIDR alumni you are all in lead roles in academics and industry, both India and abroad, in equal measure. You are among the first to create the financial services sector job openings for economists and subsequently in extending it to other sectors as well. Time is ripe to celebrate all of you and your achievements at your alma mater. At a time of sweeping changes across the academic and industry canvas of the world, IGIDR too is at the crossroad. We are in need of your critical inputs from your experience at another academic institution or from the vantage point of your industry.
Towards that goal, we are organizing the Inaugural IGIDR Alumni Conference during May 10 to 12, 2023 at IGIDR and do sincerely hope to have a role for all of you, either as paper presenters or session organizers. Please write to us which role you would prefer along with the details. For example, if you would like to organize a specific session not exceeding ninety minutes, please send us your proposal indicating the content and potential alumni participants. Alternatively, if you have a paper to present, please send the full paper. You could also propose themes for round table discussions. As this is the first of its kind that we are attempting at a relatively short notice, we seek your understanding that some of the roles would be on invitation basis.
We have sent an email to all Alumni with a link to a Google Form, to which you are requested to reply by April 23, 2023.
All correspondence should be addressed to alumniconf2023@igidr.ac.in and we look forward to seeing all of you at IGIDR during May 10 to 12, 2023.
Organising Committee:
Professor Subrata Sarkar
Professor P. G. Babu
Professor A. Ganesh-Kumar
Conference Secretariat:
Mr. Tanmay Joshi
Email: alumniconf2023@igidr.ac.in
Tel: +91-22-6909 6519
This page provides information on the following:
- Paper Presentations
- Logistics
Paper Presentations
- The time allocated for each paper is 30 minutes – about 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
- All paper presenters are required to upload their presentation and updated version of their paper using the Google form at this link latest by 8 th May 2023. As a backup please send the same by email to alumniconf2023@igidr.ac.in.
- Please mention in this Google Form if you need a Participation Certificate, so that we can keep it ready.
- At present there are no plans for publishing the paper in any journal / edited volume of proceedings.
- Please note that the Conference will be held offline in IGIDR Campus. We expect all those in India to come to IGIDR. For those living abroad, we will make arrangements for online presentation. The entire Conference proceedings will be live streamed. The live stream link will be posted on the Conference website later.
1. Travel: A tentative Programme Schedule is already put up on the Conference website. We do not anticipate major changes in the Programme Schedule. Please use this to plan your travel to IGIDR. Your arrival and departure dates can be 9 th May and 13 th May, 2023, respectively. Please make your own arrangements for local travel.
2. Accommodation: IGIDR will provide accommodation on campus for the nights of 9th to 12th May, 2023. Paper presenters are required to fill the Logistics Google Form at this link on or before 8 th May 2023 giving their arrival and departure details to facilitate the booking of accommodation.
3. Meals: IGIDR will provide all meals during 9-13 May 2023 for the Conference Participants.