The aims and objectives of the Institute are to promote and conduct research on developmental issues from a broad inter- disciplinary perspective (economic, technological, social, political and ecological). It aspires to gain insights into the process of development and alternative policy options and to further disseminate the knowledge acquired.
The primary objectives of the Institute are :
- To promote and conduct research on development from a broad inter-disciplinary perspective.
- To promote co-operative endeavour and interaction between research scholars and institutions in India and abroad.
- To undertake projects or activity which renders itself useful for the furtherance of development and social welfare.
- To carry out training for advanced degrees viz. Master’s and Doctorate award.
Special emphasis will be laid on the following areas:
- The comparative study of development and policy in different regions and countries.
- The growing interdependence among nations in the world economy and its impact on development strategies and policy options.
- The influence of international trading, financial and economic systems on countries.
- The examination of energy, technology and environment problems in global setting.
- The analytical foundations of the positions adopted by India and other developing countries in international forums and negotiations.
- Economic and technological cooperation among developing countries and India’s development experience and policies.
- Planning techniques and methodology.
- Issues in the choice of technology and social well being.
- The role of innovation and diffusion of technology in development.
- Resource utilisation and environment implications of technological alternatives.
- Social, legal, organisational and institutional aspects of development.
- The Institute shall also serve as a centre for promoting co-operative endeavour and interaction in research activities between Indian scholars and institutions as well as between Indian and foreign scholars and institutions